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Babic Tihomir A Method for the Remote LAN Management
Bakic Nenad MojPosao - the croatian Recruitment & Selection site
Baksa Ines The Magic of Virtual Presence
Baksa Sarajko The Magic of Virtual Presence
Bazant Alen A Method for the Remote LAN Management
Darko School Journal
Branica Srecko Teleconferencing and Ear Surgery
Brkic Kristina A system for delivering clinical laboratory results by e-mail
Bozikov Jadranka Electronic Health Centre - a web site for continuing education of general practitioners
Damic Damjan Introducing XML-based content management to general info on Croatia
Damjanov Jadranka Preparing/using net in art teaching
Eva How to get the best out of the INSPEC Database
Dobrenic Dobrisa Future of grid-like initiatives in Croatia
Dogan Hrvoje Building Intranet Services on Linux - from home to big business
Cetl Vlado Internet and Spatial Data Infrastructure - Towards a Spatial Society
Egger Peter Creating an Internet Society - The Volkswagen Net story
Eldic Dragan Incorporating a weather service in WAP.HR
Gettes Michael What is Middleware and why do we need it?
Gietz Peter The Role of Directories in emerging network technology
Introduction to LDAP
Glavica Marijana Building Faculty of Philosophy libraries WebPAC - experiences and
lessons learned
Gledec Gordan Introducing XML-based content management to general info on Croatia
Golub Koraljka Digital libraries and the blind and visually impaired

Gredelj Marijan Putting Croatia on the Map: 2001 Census Data Made Available on the Web in Graphic Form


Ivan Building Intranet Services on Linux - from home to big business


Miroslav Incorporating a weather service in WAP.HR
Hadrovic Blazenka Importance of Accounting Websites in Informing on Accounting Practice

Hasller Vesna Electronic Signatures: Untroduction and Applications
Horvatincic Karolina Content Management System
Huzjak Miroslav Metodical Internet center for Art classes
Ivekovic H. Electronic Health Centre - a web site for continuing education of general practitioners
Jacobsen Ole J. Enhancing you Virtual Presence: Dream or Reality?
Jelicic I. Internet in Education: Chemical Changes During the Extrusion Process
Jukic Vlado Online Bibliography of the Psyhiatryc Hospital Vrapce
Jurekovic Darko Croatian Portal of Schools - an educational community on the Net
Kadic Edin Working on Web sites to the education of using PC and Internet in Schools
Karelovic Deni Virtual Breast Cancer Centar
Kern Josipa Electronic Health Centre - a web site for continuing education of general practitioners
Klingenstein Ken What is Middleware and why do we need it?



Hrvoje Incorporating a weather service in WAP.HR
Korlevic Korado Setting up an Online Web Based Conference Center at Visnjan Observatory for Educating Students in Science
Kovacek D. Internet in Education: Chemical Changes During the Extrusion Process
Kruljac Dalibor School Journal
Kostrujak Vlatko How to make most of your Linux workplace?
Kukolja Taradi Suncana Teaching & Learning Medical Physiology
With Web-Based Technology
Software Platform to Build a Web-Based Education System


Vesna Putting Croatia on the Map: 2001 Census Data Made Available on the Web in Graphic Form
Ljubi Igor A tool for adding Dublin
Core metadata to Web pages
MacEke Paul e-learning and the transformation of IBM
Directions in e-Learning
Macek Robert Improving multimedia content delivery in CARNet community
Media on Demand Services
Magdalenic Ivan Internet as e-business backbone for small and medium size companies
Majdancic Ċ½eljko Online Bibliography of the Psyhiatryc Hospital Vrapce
Males Lada Virtual Breast Cancer Centar
Marasovic Kristina Sports Performance Visualisation in Teaching Activities
Matasic Ivan Internet as e-business backbone for small and medium size companies
Mateljan Vladimir Online examination registration service at the Faculty of philosophy in Zagreb - issues and experiences
Matesa Saska Virtual Audio Chat: User Interaction and Audio Quality Evaluation
Matijevic Hrvoje Internet and Spatial Data Infrastructure - Towards a Spatial Society
Medak Damir Geodesic on the Internet - a new teaching experience
Medved Ivan Geodesic on the Internet - a new teaching experience
Mijatovic Bojan Virtual Universities - Croatian Perspectives and Current Challenges
Milinovic Miroslav Measurement of Croatian Web space: preliminary results
Metadata on the Web
Mladenovic Sasa Virtual Breast Cancer Centar
Mladinic-Vulic D. Electronic Health Centre - a web site for continuing education of general practitioners
Nincevic Antonela Internet in Education: Chemical Changes During the Extrusion Process

Predrag What is a Digital Textbook
10 years of the Internet in Croatia: lessons learned
10 years of the Internet in Croatia: - visions outlined
Pandzic Igor An Embodied Conversational Agent for the Web
Pavlina Kresimir Online examination registration service at the Faculty of philosophy in Zagreb - issues and experiences
Pavlinsic Dobrica Building Faculty of Philosophy libraries WebPAC - experiences and
lessons learned
Content Management System
Pavusin Damir Online examination registration service at the Faculty of philosophy in Zagreb - issues and experiences
Pejakovic Ivo Internet as e-business backbone for small and medium size companies
Penezic Dubravko Measurement of Croatian Web space: preliminary results
Petrovecki Mladen A system for delivering clinical laboratory results by e-mail
Pintar Damir Internet as e-business backbone for small and medium size companies
Popov Oliver Conceptual Architecture for QoS in Heterogenoeous Wireless Networks
Using the Net to Teach about the Net: An Experience in Giving Web-based Courses
Popova Iskra Conceptual Architecture for QoS in Heterogenoeous Wireless Networks
Using the Net to Teach about the Net: An Experience in Giving Web-based Courses
Praznik Vanja Computer Classroom A Place Where Children Acquire Basic Computer Skills And Knowledge
Pribicevic Bosko Geodesic on the Internet - a new teaching experience
Priscan Antonio Mobile Internet: Business Necessity or Toys for Boys?
Radic Kresimir Teaching & Learning Medical Physiology
With Web-Based Technology
Rahmani Popovo Conceptual Architecture for QoS in Heterogenoeous Wireless Networks
Using the Net to Teach about the Net: An Experience in Giving Web-based Courses
Roic Miodrag Internet and Spatial Data Infrastructure - Towards a Spatial Society



Zeljko A system for delivering clinical laboratory results by e-mail
Sadowsky George Opening Plenary:
Challenges for Today's Internet
Skala Karolj GRID for Scientific and Economic devolopment of Croatia
Slonjsak Anka Using of Present-Day Equipment and Technology for quadriplegic Persons
Sokic Mihaela Internet as e-business backbone for small and medium size companies


Charles Putting Croatia on the Map: 2001 Census Data Made Available on the Web in Graphic Form
Stipcevic Mario Process monitoring and control using Internet and cellular telephony
Stipetic Hrvoje Measurement of Croatian Web space: preliminary results
Stojanovski Jadranka What do we (not) know about our users?
Stojsic Gordana A tool for adding Dublin
Core metadata to Web pages
Salinovic Vedran A Method for the Remote LAN Management
Sejic Rafaela Internet in foreign language teaching (Russian language)
Simic Hrvoje Application of UriGraph to Uniform Resource Identifier Design
Skorin-Kapov Lea Virtual Audio Chat: User Interaction and Audio Quality Evaluation
Skrlec Dubravko Putting Croatia on the Map: 2001 Census Data Made Available on the Web in Graphic Form
Karlo An Embodied Conversational Agent for the Web
Taradi Milan Teaching & Learning Medical Physiology
With Web-Based Technology
Software Platform to Build a Web-Based Education System
Topolnik Marko Internet as e-business backbone for small and medium size companies
Topolscak Nebojsa Measurement of Croatian Web space: preliminary results
Turcin Ivan Setting up an Online Web Based Conference Center at Visnjan Observatory for Educating Students in Science
Valozic Predrag Electronic Workplace - The Complete Laboratory Environment
Vrana Radovan Digital libraries - creating information space excellence: is it already time for benchmarking?
Vrbanac Zoran Computer Classroom A Place Where Children Acquire Basic Computer Skills And Knowledge
Zelenika Zvonimir Improving multimedia content delivery in CARNet community
Media on Demand Services
Kristijan Content Management System