Marasovic, Faculty of Natural Sciences, Mathematics
and Education, University of Split
In the
last several decades, biomechanics has demonstrated considerable
growth evolving from an exercise in the filming of human movement
to applied science with a powerful array of experimental measurement,
theoretical modelling and computer simulation technique. A
lot of different sport activities have become of great interest
to a wide community and so to students.
The goal of this work is to enhence the instruction
of natural sciences, mainly physics, by making use of emerging
information technologies. Using computers in the classroom
with sophisticated modelling, visualisation, simulation, and
interactive capabilities, it is possible to improve the way
a student acquires a particular kind of knowledge or skill.
This work is an example that provides an interdiscplinary
way to create and evaluate rich interactive learning environments
in physics and biomechanics that are usable in classroom practice,
and that makes steps forward the field of learning technologies
including visualisation and model manipulation.
We have created several interactive virtual
programs of some sport activities. They are represented in
a way that allows interactivity with learning environment.
This learning environment enables students to go beyond traditional
learning methods. They can use their ability to explore, visualise
and change parameters of environment in a way that is hard
in real world.