
Online Bibliography of Psychiatric Hospital Vrapce

abstract | author | presentation

Psychiatric Hospital Vrapce has a 120-year history, through which time a large number of published scientific and professional papers, as well as doctoral theses, were written. All this material was being collected and organized more than once, each time in a different way with its limitations in searching information. The last printed issue of bibliography was prepared from the very beginning in such a way that it could be presented online (www.bolnica-vrapce.hr). The advantages of such digitally published Bibliography are the opportunity of getting the information regardless of space and time, possibility of searching the key words, searching the first author or authors, sort of article, year of publication, place of publication, title of the work, and the employees and associates of the Hospital. The Online Bibliography of Psychiatric Hospital Vrapce contains information on 1400 references, the list of 450 authors, the list of employees and associates of the Hospital, 750 key words from medicine, especially psychiatry and neurology. Permanent extension and completion of the data base for Bibliography enables following up scientific production and its chronology of both the institution and the individuals. Modern medicine, the activity of which is based on facts, certainly needs quick and accurate publishing and following of the results of scientific researches and professional progress. Such digital way of organization and publishing the information about scientific activities will definitely contribute to improvement of the profession, and, consequently, health status of the patients.

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