Doc.dr. sc. Vladimir Mateljan, Krešimir
Pavlina, Damir Pavušin
This paper introduces experiences gained
during the phases of development, implementation and use of
the online examination registration service (OERS) at the
Faculty of philosophy in Zagreb. The OERS is a software application
which primary function is to facilitate the communication
between students and the Faculty administration. It has been
developed by active participation of students as an example
of a web service project. By participating in this project
students have gained the first hand experience in development
of a web service. The OERS is now operational and can be accessed
by use of a Web browser or a mobile phone by WAP and SMS.
The paper will also explain how the developers of this projects
resolved some of the problems related to the process of development
of OERS and especially how they tested the components of the
service. During the beta testing period, the authors got first
positive feedback from the first users, which will help them
to plan future service expansion. Some of the future service
expansion will include connecting with the Faculty’s
student administration, broadening of the services tailored
to specific user needs and additional content enhancements.