
Last year we have started the series of CARNet Users Conferences
with high hopes and the main goal to activate our user community.
Our first conference CUC '99 turned out to be a great success
setting high standards for the future. We accepted this as a challenge.
This year, CUC 2000 is offering an improved and richer program
with more interactive events and learning experience.
CUC 2000 is entitled "Quest for Information". Under the
motto "Web: Towards Meaningful Content" we put more light
on the following six important topics related to the main title:
We analyse Internet, particularly Web as source of information.
Is it as useful as it could be? How can we use the full potential
of the Web? What can be done to direct Web information space towards
more meaningful content?
Two distinguished keynote speakers Nicky Ferguson and Thomas Baker
will help us in finding the answers. Mr. Ferguson will speak about
Information Gateways and Portals and Mr. Baker will address the
metadata issue. Here, I would like to thank them both for their
valuable contributions.
To enhance the learning experience we will have two tutorials
(T1, T2):
- T1 - Building Gateways
to Quality Information on the Internet,
- T2 - Successful Use of Courseware,
and four workshops (WS1 - WS4):
- WS1 - Designing Usable
Web Pages,
- WS2 - Digital Libraries,
- WS3 - Efficient Searching
on the Internet
- WS4 - Web-based Open Learning.
In that effort, renowned international experts are joining us
with the wish to provide you with high quality and up-to-date
information. My sincere thanks to all the authors for their time
and contributions.
Finally, this year Program Committee has accepted 35 papers and
presentations. In addition to six sessions that cover the topics
mentioned above, we added one more session entitled "Web-based
Applications". Our plan to organize a true "Users conference"
i.e. to let the users speak has again been fully accomplished.
Speakers from TERENA and Renardus project will also join us.
In addition, we will have four panel discussions following the main
topics of the conference. Still, we are open to your ad-hoc proposals
to organize BOF meetings.
Web festival competition this
year will look for the best portal in three categories:
- general portal,
- subject-based portal,
- portal for special interest groups.
Until September 8 we accepted 119 applications out of which the
jury will select the best sites that will enter the final competition
for awards. The same as last year, apart from the awards presented
by the official jury, users will have the opportunity to vote for
"Users Choice" Award via conference Web site.
Finally, my sincere gratitude to the members of program committee,
organizing committee and Web festival jury for their dedication.
Thanks to our sponsors - they made it possible.
Welcome to CUC 2000. I wish you a successful conference.
Miroslav Milinovic
Program Committee Chair