This tutorial gives an overview
of current developments relating to information gateways and Internet
resource catalogues, services which employ the skills of subject
experts and information professionals to build collections of
high quality information resources on the Internet. It addresses
the many issues that arise when planning and implementing an information
gateway. These can be either strategic issues (including premiminary
planning, staff and skills requirements, system requirements)
information issues (such as metadata, cataloguing, publicity)
or technical issues (such as user interface, scalability etc).
The tutorial will highlight best practice in these areas and the
latest technologies behind information gateways. It will be partly
based on the Information
Gateways Handbook, a joint
publication written as part of the DESIRE II project (1998-2000)
by many of the leading information gateway practitioners in the
world. The programme will include: terminology: what are portals,
information gateways, internet resource catalogues; current developments
in information gateways; practical issues: planning and implementing
your own gateway; current developments in national and international
co-operation and standardization and the importance of those developments
in relation to your own gateway.