Guidelines for authors

  1. Please send us your contribution as an attachment in .doc or .docx format.
  2. To ensure blind peer review, please remove author identification from the properties of the Microsoft Office document (go to File > Properties).
  3. In the accompanying message, please include the following information:
  • the name of the author(s),
  • the affiliation of the author(s),
  • their e-mail address(es),
  1. The paper should be around 14400 characters long (spaces included). The abstract and the list of references as well as appendices may NOT surpass this word limit.
  2. The contribution for the conference proceedings to be published in Croatia may be written in Croatian or English. The contribution for the conference proceedings to be published abroad may be written in English. The text will not undergo any additional language editing after acceptance, so please make sure that you have proofread it. Please use scientific style.
  3. The paper should contain the following parts (please lay them out in the following order):
  • abstract (written in the language of the paper),
  • keywords,
  • the body of the text,
  • a list of references entitled References and
  • abstract and keywords in another language (Croatian or English).
  1. All the papers will be blind reviewed by two reviewers. If one reviewer suggests acceptance and the other rejection of the paper, the paper will be sent out to a third reviewer. 8.
  2. All contributions will be reviewed on a scale ranging from 0 (unsatisfactory) to 5 (excellent) based on the following criteria:
  • clarity of structure and style and the content-to-length ratio,
  • appropriateness of the approach (and/or methods) to the aims of the paper,
  • relevance of the topic and possible implications of the paper,
  • originality,
  • formal criteria (formatting, language),
  • overall score.

The reviewers will provide their suggestion for paper acceptance and categorization.

  1. Reviewers’ decision and comments (and possibly editorial comments) will be sent to you by February 1st 2023.

Please format your paper in the following way:

  • Margins: 2.5 cm on each side
  • Spacing: 1.5
  • Font: Times New Roman, size 12.
  • Use footnotes rather than endnotes.
  • Integrate any figures, tables, etc. into the text.
  • The title of the paper: font size 14, centred.
  • The title should be followed by an abstract (size 10), indented 1.5 cm on both sides and justified. The abstract provided in the other language of the paper should be formatted in the same way.
  • The abstract should be followed by keywords.
  • Please number the sections up to the third level in the following way:

1. Bold (Times New Roman)

1.1. Number in bold, and the text in bold italic (Times New Roman)

1.1.1. Number in regular script, and the text in italic (Times New Roman)

Please do not indent the numbers and (sub)titles

  • Section titles should be preceded by two blank lines, and followed by a single blank line.
  • Marks for footnotes should be inserted after the punctuation signs, e.g. word to be explained in the footnote.1 ∙ In-text citations should contain the author’s surname, the year of publication, and a page number if relevant (all in brackets), as in: (Cameron 2003) or (Boers 2003: 232). If the author’s name is integrated in the text, please use the following style: Firth (2009: 128) claims that … For more authors use: (Author1 and Author 2) / (Author1 Author 2 and Author3) For, referencing to more authors use AuthorX 2013; AuthorY 2011; AuthorZ 2010)
  • Do not use footnotes for citations.
  • Shorter quotes should appear between double quotation marks (“”). All longer quotations (longer than 40 words) should appear as a separate intended paragraph, separated from the rest of the text by a single blank line before and after, font size 10, without quotation marks. Indicate ellipsis by three points, preceded and followed by an empty space.
  • A complete bibliography (entitled References) should appear at the end of the paper. The entries should be alphabetized by authors’ surnames. Each entry should begin in a new line,  and there should be no empty lines between entries. Do not indent the entries. Multiple  works written by the same author should appear chronologically starting with the earliest  one. Use letters to distinguish between multiple works by the same author which appeared in  the same year (e.g. 1998a, 1998b). 
  • Full first name(s) of the author(s) should be provided (not the initials)

Please format the entries according to the following style:


Surname, Name. 2000. Title of the Book Spelled according to the Rules of the Language in which  the Book was Written: Subtitle. Place: Publisher.

Surname, Name, Surname, Name and Name Surname. 2000. Title of the Book Spelled according to  the Rules of the Language in which the Book was Written. 3rd edition. Place, Place: Publisher.

Surname, Name, Surname, Name and Name Surname, eds. 2000. Title of the Book Spelled  according to the Rules of the Language in which the Book was Written. Place: Publisher.

Chapters in books or books of proceedings:

Surname, Name. 1999. “Title of the chapter.” In Title of the Book Spelled according to the Rules of  the Language in which the Book was Written, edited by Surname, Name, Surname, Name and Name  Surname, 3-24. Place, Place: Publisher.

Articles in journals (give names of journals in full):

Surname, Name. 1999. “Title of the article.” Journal Title 11 (2): 128-156.

When referring to Internet sources, the web page and the date the paper was retrieved should be provided in the following way Retrieved May 31st 2015 from www…..