CUC 2022

International scientific and professional conference

Europe is slowly but surely opening up, however, it is an undeniable fact that the world is still closed due to the epidemiological situation or war events we have been facing lately. In many schools, classes are held in an online environment and going back to schools is still not possible for all students.

At the same time, we have never been so connected to technology as we are today in the postdigital age, when it, due to artificial intelligence, shapes us to levels we are not aware of. For that reason, the closed world we are talking about is not just caused by the pandemic. It is also the result of individually targeted information and stimuli and the declining influence of traditional media as well as physical presence that have collectively shaped our experience of the world. The question is who has access to data we and our students share and receive and how this affects us and our educational practices.

Moreover, the question arises as to how the way we share data and participate in their creation affects the shaping of our identities and the identities of our students. And, generally, to what extent are our institutions digitally mature and focused on developing a society that lives competently with technology? Science and education should be a common good, but we are aware today that they are not equally accessible and equally open to everyone.

Issues of openness, access, connectivity, artificial intelligence and identity are the topics of this year’s CARNET User Conference – CUC2022.

This year we are bringing innovations to our program, while remaining firmly anchored on the tradition that makes CUC a central event for sharing knowledge, experience and good practices related to technology, education and public policy in Croatia and the region.

We are increasingly no longer in a world where digital technology and media is separate, virtual, ‘other’ to a ‘natural’ human and social life, and education is often at the forefront of these trends. Communities and research approaches engaged with technology and education tend to view the research field as concerned with the ‘effects’ of digital media and other technologies on the existing activities of teaching and learning in education. This still assumes a clear division between an authentic educational practice and the imposition of an external, and novel, technology. The rapid growth of research and books and articles dealing with education and research in and for the postdigital age calls for a different approach that is no longer based on a division but rather on an integration of education and technology. The postdigital approach meets that need.  

Selected participants will be invited to write up their presentation in their chosen format (a short commentary or a full article) to be considered for publication in the Springer peer-reviewed journal Postdigital Science and Education. 

We invite contributions from a wide range of postdigital research themes and approaches including but not limited to:   

  • Postdigital theories and philosophies
  • Postdigital research methodologies
  • Education and automation
  • Big data and learning analytics
  • Educational assessment
  • Artificial Intelligences, neural networks, deep learning
  • Data, surveillance, and privacy
  • Networked learning
  • Postdigital mobilities
  • Postdigital (learning) spaces and places
  • Biopolitics and bioinformational capitalism
  • Biomodernity and viral modernity
  • Post-truth and fake news
  • Postdigital ecopedagogies
  • Sustainability and bioeconomy
  • Postdigital critical pedagogies
  • Education and democracy
  • Postdigital literacies
  • Critical disability studies
  • Decolonial, anti-imperialist, and anti-colonial studies and movements
  • Cultural and human geographies
  • Postdigital aesthetics and arts
  • Postdigital soundscapes (sonics, pedagogies, technologies)
  • Educational futures
  • Responsible science communication

  • poznajemo li genZ – kako uče i razvijaju vještine (lekcije naučene iz Counterstrikea, Minecrafta, Fortnitea, Instagrama, Snapchata, TikToka i dr.)? Što nam je potrebno za rad s njima? 
  • inovativne metode učenja i poučavanja u HyFlex nastavi (mješovita nastava), online i učioničkoj nastavi 
  • razvoj kreativnosti, inovativnosti i kritičkog mišljenja uz pomoć digitalne tehnologije  
  • podcasti kao obrazovni alat i alat za promociju znanosti 
  • učenje i poučavanje za održivost
  • uređeni kaos – sigurnost u virtualnom prostoru – koliko su učenici i učenice, studenti i studentice sigurni u virtualnom prostoru i kako ih obrazujemo za sigurno korištenje digitalnih tehnologija
  • posljedice hiperpovezanosti: digitalna demencija i/ili digitalno sveznanje
  • autonomija učenika i učenica / učitelja i učiteljica – uloge, identiteti, mjesta i prostori 
  • uloga prostora u obrazovanju – poticajna okolina kao bitan čimbenik obrazovanja 
  • stvaranje znanja povezivanjem / povezivanje stvaranjem znanja (virtualne zajednice učenja) 
  • digitalna ovisnost vs. funkcionalno korištenje tehnologije
  • učenici i učenice kao učitelji i učiteljice
  • učenici i učenice, studenti i studentice s posebnim potrebama (s poteškoćama i daroviti) u današnjem obrazovanju  

  • strateško upravljanje za digitalnu zrelost ustanova: kako obrazovne ustanove sudjeluju u digitalnoj transformaciji? Koje su kompetencije potrebne za upravljanje digitalno zrelim ustanovama? Koje su kompetencije potrebne za stručnu podršku učenicima i učenicima / studentima i studenticama?    
  • trendovi u uključivanju učenika i učenica / studenata i studentica u industriju tijekom škole i fakulteta, kroz prakse, ljetne škole, job fairove, hackathone i sl. – primjeri dobre prakse 
  • učenje radom, perspektiva učenika i učenica / studenata i studentica, korisnost naučenog u školama i na fakultetima za budući rad 
  • obrazovanje za zanimanja budućnosti – interdisciplinarnost, startupovi (npr. field engineer, upravljanje istraživačkim radom, cloud-broker/ice itd., programeri/ke i kreatori/ce igrica) 
  • interesi učenika i učenica, studenata i studentica i suradnja sa startupovima
  • kako krenuti, kako opstati – savjeti novim generacijama za pokretanje startupa 

  • upravljanje vremenom u postdigitalno doba – ravnoteža rada i slobodnog vremena (stalna dostupnost učitelja, potreba za strukturiranjem dostupnosti) – primjeri dobre prakse 
  • post-COVID era – naučene lekcije u primjeni digitalnih tehnologija, održivost uvedenih promjena i utjecaj na otpornost obrazovnog sustava u cjelini
  • kompetencije obrazovatelja i obrazovateljica, ravnatelja i ravnateljica i stručnih službi za integraciju digitalnih tehnologija (inicijalno obrazovanje, stručno usavršavanje, informalno učenje, učenje radom…)  
  • kako integrirati i poučavati učenike i učenice migrante (učenici i učenice iz Ukrajine i drugih zaraćenih prostora)? 
  • povjerenje u postdigitalnom svijetu – kako se odnosi povjerenja grade u školama uz pomoć tehnologije vs. usprkos tehnologiji? Uloga povjerenja u neformalnim i informalnim oblicima učenja?  

  • otvorenost škole prema lokalnoj zajednici – primjeri dobre prakse i uloga tehnologije 
  • otvorenost škole prema svijetu (mobilnost) i uloga tehnologije  
  • otvorene granice između osnovnog, srednjeg i visokog obrazovanja – suradnja i komunikacija 
  • primjena i komunikacija aktualnih znanstvenih spoznaja u nastavi 
  • znanstvene spoznaje vezane uz tehnologiju utemeljene na istraživanjima u nastavi
  • otvoreno obrazovanje 
  • otvorena znanost 
  • otvoreni obrazovni sadržaji 
  • otvoreni kod 
  • otvoreni podaci 

  • tko ima pristup – obrazovanju, alatima, podacima, prostoru – primjeri dobrih praksi 
  • obrazovanje učenika i učenica / studenata i studentica o upravljanju podacima (tko ima pristup našim osobnim podacima i za što se oni koriste (AI)), digitalni trag – primjeri dobre prakse 
  • FAIR podaci – pronalažljivi (engl. Findable), dostupni (engl. Accessible), interoperabilni (engl. Interoperable), ponovo upotrebljivi (engl. Reusable) podaci
  • korištenje otvorenih podataka u obrazovanju učenika (koriste li učenici i učenice / studenti i studentice podatke u svrhu vlastitog obrazovanja, znaju li prepoznati podatke i sl.)
  • koliko imamo pristupa podacima iz različitih sustava i koristimo li ih za unapređenje rada naših učenika i učenica, studenata i studentica, obrazovnih institucija koje vodimo? 
  • pristup podacima vs. korisnost tih podataka 
  • što možemo učiniti da pristup podacima kojima raspolažemo bude otvoreniji (mi kao pojedinci i/ili ustanove)? 
  • upravljanje podacima o održivosti škole – koristimo li podatke o potrošnji energije škole u svrhu obrazovanja učenika i učenica – primjeri dobre prakse

  • kako nam tehnologija pomažu u radu s učenicima i učenicima / studentima i studenticama s posebnim odgojno-obrazovnim potrebama (učenici i učenice s poteškoćama i daroviti učenici i učenice) 
  • pristupačnost škola i fakulteta – stvarna i virtualna (asistivne tehnologije) 
  • prednosti i izazovi korištenja pomoćnih (asistivnih) tehnologija u radu s učenicima i učenicama / studentima i studenticama s posebnim odgojno-obrazovnim potrebama i/ili invaliditetom
  • iskustvo primjene novih tehnologija (npr. virtualna i proširena stvarnost, 3D printanje, umjetna inteligencija, robotika, itd.) s ciljem poboljšanja društvene uključenosti
  • potpomognuta komunikacija u odgoju i obrazovanju (uz primjenu pomoćne tehnologije) 
  • digitalna pristupačnost (mrežnih stranica, mobilnih aplikacija i digitalnih dokumenata) i pristupačno okruženje. Digitalna podijeljenost i digitalna inkluzija 

  • rad sistem inženjera 
  • sustavi podrške za platforme (Microsoft 365…) 
  • rad u oblaku – izazovi i rješenja     
  • WordPress
  • sigurnost  
  • osiguranje kvalitete i održivost alata 
  • umjetna inteligencija kao podrška i suradnik u učenju u poučavanju 
  • umjetna inteligencija kao distorzirana slika stvarnosti 
  • umjetna inteligencija i etička pitanja
  • recepcija i prilagodba umjetne inteligencije u obrazovanju 

  • kako strateški upravljati digitalnim sazrijevanjem u obrazovnim ustanovama? 
  • kako se digitalna transformacija odvija u obrazovnim ustanovama?
  • koje su kompetencije potrebne za digitalno sazrijevanje (upravljačke, pedagoške, tehničke i druge)? Koje postoje, a koje nedostaju, kako ih stjecati? Kako dijelimo znanje i najbolje prakse? 
  • koja je ravnateljska, nastavnička, učenička uloga? Imaju li roditelji / skrbnici i šira zajednica ulogu u digitalnom sazrijevanju škole? 
  • kakva je podrška potrebna školama u digitalnom sazrijevanju? 
  • kakva je podrška potrebna fakultetima u digitalnom sazrijevanju? (tehnička, pedagoška, organizacijska, nešto sasvim drugo?) 
  • koja je uloga kibernetičke sigurnosti u digitalnom sazrijevanju? 

Prijavite svoje panele i govornike na temu koju smatrate značajnom, a povezana je s temom obrazovanja i tehnologije. Paneli se mogu sastojati od tri do četiri rada, odnosno panelista. 

We are increasingly no longer in a world where digital technology and media is separate, virtual, ‘other’ to a ‘natural’ human and social life, and education is often at the forefront of these trends. Communities and research approaches engaged with technology and education tend to view the research field as concerned with the ‘effects’ of digital media and other technologies on the existing activities of teaching and learning in education. This still assumes a clear division between an authentic educational practice and the imposition of an external, and novel, technology. The rapid growth of research and books and articles dealing with education and research in and for the postdigital age calls for a different approach that is no longer based on a division but rather on an integration of education and technology. The postdigital approach meets that need.  

Selected participants will be invited to write up their presentation in their chosen format (a short commentary or a full article) to be considered for publication in the Springer peer-reviewed journal Postdigital Science and Education. 

We invite contributions from a wide range of postdigital research themes and approaches including but not limited to:  

  • Postdigital theories and philosophies  
  • Postdigital research methodologies 
  • Education and automation 
  • Big data and learning analytics
  • Educational assessment
  • Artificial Intelligences, neural networks, deep learning 
  • Data, surveillance, and privacy 
  • Networked learning     
  • Postdigital mobilities 
  • Postdigital (learning) spaces and places 
  • Biopolitics and bioinformational capitalism 
  • Biomodernity and viral modernity 
  • Post-truth and fake news 
  • Postdigital ecopedagogies
  • Sustainability and bioeconomy
  • Postdigital critical pedagogies
  • Education and democracy  
  • Postdigital literacies  
  • Critical disability studies
  • Decolonial, anti-imperialist, and anti-colonial studies and movements 
  • Cultural and human geographies 
  • Postdigital aesthetics and arts 
  • Postdigital soundscapes (sonics, pedagogies, technologies) 
  • Educational futures
  • Responsible science communication

  • do we know genZ? – how does genZ learn and develop skills? (lessons learned from Counterstrike, Minecraft, Fortnite, Instagram, Discord, Snapchat, Fiver and TikTok, etc. – how much do we know about genZ, how do they learn, what is important to them and what resources do we need to work and connect with them?) 
  • innovative teaching and learning methods in HyFlex teaching, blended teaching, online teaching and classroom teaching 
  • development of creativity, innovation and critical thinking and the role of digital technology 
  • podcast as an educational tool and science promotion tool
  • teaching towards sustainability 
  • ordered chaos: security in virtual space – how safe are students in the virtual space and how do we educate them for the safe use of digital technologies? 
  • consequences of hyperconnection & precarious world: digital dementia and/or digital awareness 
  • learner/teacher autonomy – roles, identities, space and place 
  • the role of space in education – a stimulating environment as an important factor in education
  • creating knowledge by connecting/connecting by creating knowledge (learning communities) 
  • digital addiction vs. functional use of technology 
  • students as teachers 
  •  the role of technology use in teaching students with special educational needs  (gifted, socially deprived, physically and cognitively impaired students, etc.)

  • trends in the involvement of students in industry through internships, summer schools, job fairs, hackathons 
  • learning through work, student perspective, usefulness of what was learned in formal settings vs. through work for future job 
  • future jobs, problems of defining positions, interdisciplinarity, startups (e.g. field engineer, research manager, cloud broker, etc. 
  • students’ interests and startup trends
  • how to start, how to survive, how to advise new generations of students to start their own startups

  • time management in the postdigital age: work-life balance (constant teacher availability, need for a structured accessibility) – examples of good practice 
  • post-COVID era – lessons learned in the application of digital technologies, sustainability of changes and impact on the resilience of the education system as a whole
  • competencies of educators, principals and professional services for the integration of digital technologies (initial education, professional development, informal learning, work-based learning) 
  • how to integrate and teach migrant students (students from Ukraine and other war-torn areas)? 
  • trust in the postdigital world: how much do we trust technology? how do we build relationships in schools with the help of technology vs. despite the technology? the role of trust in non-formal and informal forms of learning?

  • school/university openness towards/in the local community – examples of good practice and the role of technology 
  • school/university openness towards/in the global community (mobility) & the role of technology 
  • internal and external school openness (within the school/university and outside the school/university) using technology 
  • open channels in education (from primary to higher education) 
  • application of current scientific knowledge in teaching and its results / examples (science in teaching)
  • scientific knowledge based on research in teaching (teaching in science) 
  • open education 
  • open science 
  • open educational content 
  • open code
  • open data 

  • who has access to – education, tools, data, codes, space, etc. 
  • FAIR data – Findable, Accessible, Interoperable & Reusable
  • educating students on data management (who has access to our personal data and what is it used for (AI)), digital footprint – examples of good practice 
  • the use of open data in student education (whether students use data for their own education, whether they know how to recognize data, etc.) 
  • how much access do we have to data from different systems and whether we use them to improve the work of our students and educational institutions we run 
  • access to data vs. usefulness of the data 
  • what can we do to make access to the data we have more open? (as individuals or institutions)
  • management of school sustainability data, potential of school energy consumption data for the purposes of student education

  • how does technology help us ‌work with students with special educational needs (students with disabilities and gifted students) 
  • technology as an obstacle in working with students and students with special educational needs and how can we overcome these obstacles?
  • accessibility of schools and universities – real and virtual (assistive technologies) 
  • advantages and challenges of using assistive technologies when working with pupils and students with special educational needs and/or disabilities 
  • experience in applying new technologies (eg. virtual and augmented reality, 3D printing, artificial intelligence, robotics, etc.) in order to improve social inclusion 
  • assisted communication in education (with the use of assistive technology) 
  • digital accessibility (websites, mobile applications, and digital documents) and accessible environment. Digital division and digital inclusion

  • IT services and support for schools and universities 
  • platform support systems (MS Office365…) 
  • working in the cloud – challenges and solutions
  • Wordpress  
  • security as a horizontal topic – about security for different user groups 
  • tool quality assurance and sustainability 
  • AI as a support and collaborator in learning and teaching 
  • AI as a distorted picture of reality
  • reception and adaptation of AI in education

  • How to strategically lead digital maturity in educational institutions? 
  • How are educational institutions going through digital transformation?
  • What competencies are needed for digital maturity (leadership competences, pedagogical, technical and other competences)? Which ones exist, and which ones are missing, how to acquire them? How do we share knowledge and best practices? 
  • What is the role of the principal, the teacher, and the student? Do parents and the local community play a role in the digital maturity of the school? 
  • What support do schools need in digital maturity? 
  • What support do colleges need in digital maturity? 
  • (technical, pedagogical, or organizational support, something completely different?)
  • What is the role of cyber security in digital maturity?

Suggest your own panel and speakers. The topic should be related to education and technology. Each panel can have three to five speakers. 

Klara Bilić Meštrić, Chair of the Programme Committee


Diamond presenters

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Golden presenters

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Silver presenters

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Bronze presenters

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