DESIRE Information Gateways Handbook
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Technical implementationSection 3 : Technical Issues (Print Version)

Target audience

Section 3 of this handbook is aimed at gateway staff responsible for technical implementation - Internet specialists who will manage the hardware and software and implement new technical features.

It aims to cover the important decisions that need to be made when setting up a new gateway (such as setting up the system and implementing the user interface) but also covers issues that arise in the day-to-day running of an existing gateway (such as running a link checker).

Each chapter offers some background, practical tips and hints, key references, a glossary, case studies and examples. Watch out for the Cross Reference that will take you to related sections elsewhere in the handbook.

  Section 1 : Strategic Issues

Section 2 : Information Issues managers

Section 3 : Technical Issues
  1. System requirements specifics, hardware and software
  2. User interface implementation
  3. Accessibility and usability
  4. Harvesting, indexing and automated metadata collection
  5. User profiles
  6. Interoperability
  7. Scalability
  8. Future proofing

-3.1. System requirements specifics, hardware and software

In this chapter...
  • machine and network requirements for running a gateway
  • hardware and software requirements
  • related technical information

This chapter provides detailed information about the hardware and software that you would need in order to set up and run an Information Gateway using the ROADS and/or Combine software.


The Systems Requirements Overview chapter gives an introduction to the systems-related issues which managers need to consider when setting up and running an information gateway. This chapter provides more detailed technical information about the specific software and hardware requirements that you will need to meet. It does not consider all the issues raised in that chapter. You are referred to any good UNIX systems administration book for areas not covered in detail here, since security, performance, backing up data and so on are all issues that are relevant to running any network service!

Cross reference
System requirements overview

Software and hardware requirements

General requirements

In order to run an information gateway you will need:

  1. A machine - a computer running a UNIX-based operating system. Examples are a Sun SPARC machine running Solaris (version 2.5 or higher) or an Intel machine (typical desktop PC) running Linux. A popular information gateway will be accessed concurrently by a large number of end-users, each of whom may be searching the database. This means that it is probably worth spending money on ensuring that you have enough memory. While it is difficult to be definitive about this, because memory requirements will be specific to the operating system and software, you should probably expect to operate with a minimum of 128 Mb memory for any reasonably sized gateway. If you are considering using a PC, then it is a good idea to get the highest specification you can afford.
  2. Some disk space - enough disk space to install your operating system, gateway software and Web server software and to hold your database of resource descriptions and any associated index. Assume that you'll need a gigabyte of disk space. You almost certainly won't - but in any case you probably won't be able to buy a machine with less disk space than that anyway!
  3. A network connection - an Internet connection. The connection needs to be permanent (obviously!) and to provide enough bandwidth to cope with your expected number of end-users. Again, it is very difficult to be specific about this.

Don't forget about issues such as software and hardware support (and the fact that they may cost money) and think about what you are going to do when something breaks. Think about backing up your software, configuration and data. You may need a local tape drive for this or, if your organisation supports it, there may be a centralised archiving facility which you can take advantage of.

ROADS requirements

On top of the general requirements listed above, the current release of the ROADS software (version 2) requires:

  • Perl 5.002 or above (5.004 or the latest stable version of Perl 5 is recommended)
  • an HTTP daemon which supports the Common Gateway Interface (CGI) specification, for example the Apache Web server. It is recommended that you use Apache, as ROADS version 3 takes advantage of mod-perl to improve its search performance

In order to run the link checking tool and its associated report generator, you will need 'libwww-perl-5', which may be obtained from CPAN.

  . .   R E M E M B E R
  • In theory, most of ROADS can be made to run under the Microsoft NT operating system (using the GNU-Win32 toolkit from Cygnus). However, this may not be straightforward to get working and some ROADS facilities may simply never work under NT. Furthermore, there is little experience in the ROADS 'community' of using NT. For these reasons it is not recommended.


Case study - SOSIG

SOSIG, the Social Science Information Gateway, is a ROADS database of over 5500 Internet resource descriptions operated by ILRT at the University of Bristol in the UK. The service is hosted on a Sun Ultra-1 with 320 Mb memory running the Solaris 2.5.1 operating system. (Note that this machine also provides other services). The SOSIG data takes approximately 100 Mb of disk space and the software and gateway-specific code take up a further 50 Mb; all this data is archived across the network to a central university backup system. The service handles approximately 25,000 searches per month.

Note: The Web server logs associated with SOSIG are considerably larger than the data mentioned above. Depending on how much data a gateway wants to hold in its Web server access log, the disk space needed could easily be doubled (SOSIG holds approximately 400 Mb of server access logs). This kind of data will grow as the popularity of the gateway grows.

Combine requirements

For the Combine software, you will need:

  • Perl version 5.003 or higher
  • the MD5 package (from CPAN)
  • the GNU 'gcc' compiler version 2.7.x or higher, complete with g++ front end and C++ libraries
  • the Berkeley DB system (fetch and install the latest stable version from Sleepy-Cat Software)
  • a decent version of 'make', preferably GNU's
  • an HTTP daemon which supports the Common Gateway Interface (CGI) specification, for example the Apache Web server

These are in addition to the general requirements listed above.


Case study - All Engineering

All Engineering is a robot-generated index enabling full-text searches of all engineering pages on the Internet. The service is based on the Combine software. Holding entries for over 250,000 Web pages, the database is hosted on a Sun Ultra/Enterprise 450 running Solaris 2.6 and uses a total of 2.5 Gb of disk space.


CGI - Common Gateway Interface - A standard for running external programs from a World-Wide Web HTTP server. CGI specifies how to pass arguments to the executing program as part of the HTTP request. It also defines a set of environment variables. Commonly, the program will generate some HTML which will be passed back to the browser but it can also request URL redirection. (definition from The Free On-line Dictionary of Computing)
CPAN - Comprehensive Perl Archive Network
DB - database
GNU - The Free Software Foundation's project to provide a freely distributable replacement for Unix.
ILRT - Institute for Learning and Research Technology
ROADS - Resource Organisation and Discovery in Subject-based services - a set of software tools to enable the set up and maintenance of Web based subject gateways.


All Engineering,










Sleepy-Cat Software,


AE. Frisch, Essential System Administration (2nd ed.) (ISBN: 1-56592-127-5)

M. Loukides, System Performance Tuning (ISBN: 0-937175-60-9)


Chapter author : Andy Powell

With contributions from: Paul Hollands

-3.2. User interface implementation

In this chapter...
  • general Web design issues: look 'n' feel, frames or no frames?
  • design implementation issues specific to information gateways
  • informing the user about the gateway
  • the search interface and the browse interface
  • combining searching and browsing (including cross-searching and cross-browsing)
  • the thesaurus interface
  • the cataloguing interface


The chapter entitled User Interface Design introduced the major issues in the design of Web interfaces and in the collection of data to help inform a user interface design specification. The present chapter will look in more detail at those issues which are particularly relevant to the design of information gateways. Although some of the answers to the questions discussed here will be determined by your choice of software for running your gateway, the following points should still be considered before committing your institution to a particular solution.

Cross reference
User interface design

Background and Overview

The 'user interface design' chapter reviews the reasons why good interface design is necessary. However, there are important issues to consider which result from the limitations of the Web and HTML as a presentation tool and formatting language respectively, as well as from inconsistencies in the capabilities of different clients and the machines they run on. Both of these factors can cause problems in the attempt to realise your design.

Problems of the first sort can usually be solved with a little ingenuity on the part of the Web designer, together with the use of helper technologies such as server-side scripting and stylesheets. The second type of problem is related to accessibility and usability issues and is covered in the chapter 'Accessibility and usability'.

Cross reference
Accessibility and usability

This chapter will therefore describe the approaches to implementing information gateway design that have been found to be of practical value within the gateways produced as a result of the work of the DESIRE projects, together with the results of their continuing experimental development.


General Web design issues

Many of the issues relating to good design practice for Information Gateways are common to all Web sites and have been covered in the User Interface Design chapter.

Cross reference
User interface design

Look 'n' feel

The look of the site as a whole is best managed with mechanisms that allow for easy global control of style and content. Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) are an obvious choice, although care should be taken to test these against a variety of browsers and browser versions; there is still some incompatibility between Netscape Navigator and Internet Explorer and style sheets will not work on early versions of either. It is consequently vital to check your site on a number of different browsers to see how much your style sheets degrade on earlier versions. A useful online resource describing differences between various browser CSS implementation bugs is 'CSS Bugs and Workarounds'

An additional mechanism for adding common elements to the site's pages is the use of Server-Side Includes (SSIs). These provide an excellent way to add components such as navigation bars (or style sheet references), as well as other common features such as feedback links and site logos, to sets of pages within the site. They work by using special tags which can be added to the HTML of a page and which cause the server to insert standard content at those locations. However, since the server needs to parse each of these pages before sending them on to a client, SSIs will reduce server performance.

Both of these methods can also be applied to the display of search results, which will consist of pages generated on the fly (see the section 'Presenting search results').

Frames or no frames?

There is some controversy over whether frames should be used in Web sites (e.g. 'Why frames suck most of the time'). As a means of enhancing navigation about a site, they can be very effective if used carefully; for instance a single frame down one edge could contain links to the various sections of the site. They can also make it easy for the user to return to your site having selected a link from their search results, since the remote site can be displayed within a frame.

However, the navigation mechanisms can be provided as easily with SSIs; and the frames technique is generally frowned upon due to the problems of bookmarking, the copyright issues that arise from displaying a remote site within your own, and the reduction in screen space that results. There is also the potential problem of 'frames within frames' if the remote site also uses them.

Design implementation issues specific to information gateways

Apart from general Web site design considerations, a number of interface issues need to be addressed which relate specifically to the nature of an information gateway. The main challenges involved are those of informing users what information the gateway contains and of enabling users to search that information sufficiently well to obtain the results they require. A third consideration concerns the manner in which search results are displayed to the user.

It should be borne in mind that many users are not expert at searching databases and may not even be very familiar with the structure of the subject covered by the gateway. These are problems which have been faced by information professionals ever since the introduction of end-user searching with the development of CD-ROM databases.

This section will look at these specialised user interface design issues.

Informing the users about the gateway

Our user studies have shown that most gateway users do not understand the difference between information gateways, directory services such as Yahoo! or search engines such as Alta Vista. It is also clear that few users make use of any search engine's full functionality. It is therefore important to provide sufficient text to explain what the gateway consists of and how it works, including its aims and policies, whilst accepting that most users do not like reading much text from the screen and that they should be presented with an uncluttered and simple looking interface which will not intimidate them.

The usual attempt to solve this apparently impossible task is to provide information in the form of 'help' files but these are also unlikely to be read by the majority of users without some encouragement. Methods which may have more success include:

  • context-sensitive help, where a 'help' link or icon will give information relevant to the page being viewed
  • FAQs, which list the questions that users have been found to ask most often
  • tips, which may be displayed randomly on a search page or which can appear with advice under certain conditions, for instance when a user is getting no hits

The search pages of the Social Science Information Gateway (SOSIG) and of OMNI demonstrate different methods of linking to 'help' information.

The search interface

Here also the main problem with presenting an interface to a search engine lies in making the full functionality of the engine available to the user in such a way that they can understand and use all its features without being intimidated. The usual approach is to provide two interfaces: one for simple searching and one containing the more advanced features.

The search functionality available will obviously depend on the database and application software chosen to run on the catalogue, but advanced features will usually include options such as Boolean searching (may be implemented as all or any of terms in the query), phrase searching, searching by field (title, keyword, resource type, date range, etc.), case-sensitive searching and various methods of truncation or stemming. The usual way for the user to send in their search terms and option choices is by means of a typical HTML form. The selection of choices may be made with any of the standard HTML form options: radio buttons, checkboxes or pull-down menus. A common way of providing a 'simple' search interface is to provide default values of these options as 'hidden' values in the HTML form code.

Unfortunately, experience from general Web search engines (e.g. and and information gateways shows that advanced features are seldom used; for example, SOSIG has under 10% of its searches made from its advanced search page. This may be because users fail to understand their usefulness or are simply put off by a link that says 'Advanced search'. Help features, as described above, can ease this problem, but the interface designer should be aware of this issue when designing any 'advanced' search page.

See the SOSIG advanced search page.

Presenting Search Results

It is useful to provide users with the alternatives of displaying results by title alone or giving the full description, possibly including other fields such as keywords. A third option might be to display the full set of metadata contained in the record.

With 'titles only' selected, the full set of results can be displayed; when displaying full record details it is necessary to limit the length of the pages produced, otherwise the files transmitted can be very large, take too long to download, and require the user to do too much scrolling. Two methods of achieving this are by placing a limit on the number of results that will be displayed, requiring the user to further refine their search, or by displaying results on a number of separate pages.


Biz/ed search result views

Biz/ed uses the functionality of the ROADS software to offer the option of returning search results as either titles only or as full records. The user is free to choose which option they prefer:

With sets of data containing a few thousand records, the former method is quite practical, but becomes less so as the number of records in the database increases resulting in a corresponding increase in the average number of hits produced by a search. The average number of hits produced should therefore be monitored and the limit adjusted accordingly so that the server refuses only a small proportion of searches. Any such refusal to transmit too large a results set should be combined with mechanisms for narrowing the search, perhaps with a link to the advanced search page or to a thesaurus (see below). Alternatively, only the first portion of the results could be displayed, provided that some sort of ranking mechanism were being used to ensure that the most relevant results were shown (see below).

The other option is to divide the results set over several pages. Whether results can be transmitted in this manner will depend on the search application used (for example, Z39.50 permits this, but Whois++ does not). A ranking mechanism is also useful with this method.

It is usual to rank the results of keyword searches to ensure that the most relevant records come at the top of the list. This is usually accomplished with an algorithm which looks at the frequency with which search words appear in the records, with weightings applied depending on the location of the term (e.g. terms in the title, first paragraph and metadata fields will have a high weighting factor). It may be possible to amend or replace an existing ranking algorithm, perhaps by adjusting the weightings or by introducing factors based on user preferences (such as educational level of material or resource type), depending on what information is available in the records.

You might also consider including a few easy to implement but very useful things in your search results pages:

  1. Repeat the original search query prominently on the results page. As users browse through search results, they may forget what they searched for in the first place. Remind them. Also include the query in the page's title; this will make it easier for users to find it in their browser's history list.
  2. Let the user know how many matches to their query have been retrieved. Users want to know how many documents have been retrieved before they begin reviewing the results. Let them know; if the number is too large, they should have the option of refining their search.
  3. Let the user know where he or she is in the current retrieval set.
  4. Always make it easy for the user to revise a search or start a new one. Give them these options on every results page, and display the current search query on the 'Revise Search' page so they can modify it without re-entering it.

(after Rosenfeld and Morville, 1998, p. 121)

Browsing the catalogue

The majority of information gateways provide browsing access to their collections as well as keyword searching. This is achieved by manually (or automatically) classifying individual resources according to a hierarchical classification scheme. Records for resources with the same class number (they may have more than one each) are displayed on the same page, with pages structured according to the classification scheme hierarchy. It is not usual to display the class numbers themselves, since these are of little interest to users, but to display only the title of the section.

Cross reference
Subject indexing and classification

There will need to be hypertext links between the different sections of the classification scheme structure, including links to parent, child and possibly 'related' sections. Simple HTML hypertext links can be used to represent the structure of the scheme, but it is important that the design enables easy navigation without the user's getting lost.

Browse SOSIG

Politics browse section from SOSIG

Depending on the facilities offered by the application software, the browse pages may be generated on the fly or periodically generated with a script; the latter method is used by the ROADS software. The script that generates the page will in many cases simply list the resources in alphabetical order but can also be used to group or filter them according to some other criterion such as resource type or country of origin. With a periodically generated set of pages, these latter options can be implemented simply by producing separate pages for each possible view.

To enable the records to be split up into the different browse sections, a search using a class number field is made, or else the records themselves can be stored in directories whose hierarchical structure corresponds to that of the classification system.

Combining searching and browsing

Browsing and searching can also be combined to allow a simple search to be made from within the browse pages. This facility may offer the option of searching only those resources listed within the currently viewed classification section and all child sections, rather than the database as a whole.

One method of accomplishing such a search is to hold the records in a file system whose hierarchical structure mirrors that of the classification scheme and restrict the records searched to those within the current directory plus child directories.

An alternative approach is to perform a keyword search for the class numbers themselves in addition to the user's search terms. This can be problematic, however, as the search can end up involving a large number of child sections, requiring a complicated Boolean OR search that inevitably slows down the search engine. This problem may be overcome if the class numbers permit meaningful truncation or, if the notation of the classification system is not constructed in this manner, an alternative, hidden representation of the class numbers could be devised for the purpose which did permit it.

Cross-searching and cross-browsing issues

Methods of enabling the cross-searching and cross-browsing of Information Gateways are given in the chapter on Interoperability. However, there are a number of issues concerning the way that cross-searching and cross-browsing are presented to the user.

Firstly, there is the question of whether a cross-searching facility should be made obvious to the user or kept hidden. If the mechanism is made open, how should it be presented to the user in a way they can understand? It would certainly be useful to provide information on each gateway concerning scope and selection criteria and a mechanism for selecting which gateways will be searched.

With cross-browsing, there is also the question of what is actually meant by the term. One approach (used by the Social Science Information Gateway) is to enrich the holdings of one catalogue with links to the records of one or more other catalogues, the links being placed in the browsing structure alongside references to local records. An alternative approach to cross-browsing is simply to insert links within each browse section to the equivalent sections of other gateways. The user is then actually browsing across catalogues.

  . Tips

These areas are currently being worked on within the Desire project and research findings will be publishedin the near future.

A further issue connected with the presentation of results of cross-browsing and searching concerns how or whether individual records should be differentiated by their origin. This could be done with additional text or copyright declarations or by the use of different icons. But this may be considered unnecessary (as far as the user is concerned, though perhaps necessary because of intellectual property rights considerations) and potentially confusing.

A discussion of how cross-browsing may be achieved is given in the Interoperability chapter.

Cross reference


Cross-searching results interface

For an example of the results of a search across the catalogues of the Social Science Information Gateway (SOSIG) and Biz/ed:

Search for banking AND Europe

For an example of a browse section within SOSIG that actually contains records from the Biz/ed catalogue: SOSIG economics section

The thesaurus interface

The Subject indexing and classification chapter discusses the issues involved in choosing a thesaurus for enhancing searching. In most cases an existing thesaurus relevant to the subject coverage of your information gateway will have been chosen and a local copy obtained (subject to agreements with the copyright holder).

Cross reference
Subject indexing and classification

To ensure that terms selected from the thesaurus produce useful results from your catalogue, we recommend that the local copy be a subset of the full thesaurus, which includes only those terms used in your catalogue. This can be accomplished by periodically running a script which compares the thesaurus terms against the catalogue's index. A decision will have to be taken as to whether the controlled terms from the thesaurus will be searched against all text in the catalogue records or restricted to terms in a keyword field.

It is likely that the software for the local copy of the thesaurus will have to be created in-house. It should allow easy navigation through the hierarchy of terms and ideally allow searches of the catalogue to be performed automatically from those terms selected by the user.


Example of a gateway using a thesaurus

SOSIG uses HASSET (Humanities And Social Science Electronic Thesaurus), created by The Data Archive in the UK. SOSIG cataloguers use HASSET to generate keywords. The thesaurus offered to SOSIG users however, is a customised version, containing terms which appear both in HASSET and the SOSIG index, enabling users to search the SOSIG catalogue using the HASSET interface.

A useful feature to add is the option of searching for the selected term together with all 'child' terms - a feature often known as an 'explode' option. As with searching by keyword within the browse sections of the catalogue, this can involve a complicated Boolean OR search, which is unacceptably slow. Similar techniques to those described in the section on combined searching and browsing could possibly be used to remedy this; for instance, by using an alternative representation of the keywords which could be used with truncation. As with the catalogue itself, it will usually be possible to browse through the hierarchical structure of the thesaurus as well as to search it by keyword. There may also be an alphabetical index of terms with links to the thesaurus. Browsing the thesaurus can be accomplished with hypertext links between related terms, with parent, child, related and non-preferred terms listed with the currently selected term.

An alternative way to use the thesaurus for access to catalogue records is to produce a list of all records that contain the currently selected term. This turns the thesaurus into an alternative classification system.

It is quite common for users to become confused and to believe they are actually searching the catalogue rather than the thesaurus; hence it is necessary to ensure that the thesaurus has a very different look and feel from the catalogue itself.

See the example from OMNI below for an illustration of this.

MESH subject heading from OMNI

MESH subject heading from OMNI

The cataloguing interface

All the interface implementation issues discussed so far concern the users of the catalogue. However, you also need to consider the way in which the cataloguing interface is implemented in order to ensure efficient data entry by the cataloguers of the system.

Cross reference

As with many other implementation issues, the cataloguing interface will depend largely on the application being used. The following features should be considered when deciding on a system or designing one in-house:

  • the ability to locate any record quickly and bring it to an editing screen
  • the facility to perform global edits
  • a set of authority lists for adding class numbers, controlled vocabulary terms (possibly via access to the thesaurus), and any other data that needs to be in a standard format, such as country codes, language codes, etc.
  • a variety of standard templates if different formats are used for different types of resource
  • the ability to store completed records for proof checking before they are entered into the catalogue
  • help facilities


Boolean searching - The use of use the "Boolean operators" (AND, OR, NOT) in keyword searching to combine keywords and so control the resulting matches and make more precise searches.
Cascading Style Sheet (CSS) - A style sheet language that allows the authors of Web pages to separate the content of HTML files from form and appearance. Style sheets enables Web authors to apply a uniform style to a group of documents in a web site.
Cross-browsing - Browsing, where the Web pages contain resources from more than one gateway Cross-searching - Searching, where the search takes place across more than one gateway
DESIRE - Project funded under the Europena Union's Telematics for research Programme to enhance and facilitate Web usage among researchers in Europe (producer of this handbook)
HASSET - Humanities And Social Science Electronic Thesaurus, produced by The Data Archive in the UK
MESH - Medical Subject Headings
OMNI - Organising Medical Networked Information (UK national gateway)
Server-Side Include (SSI) - The facility provided by several HTTP servers, e.g. NCSA httpd, to replace certain HTML tags in one HTML file with the contents of another file at the time when the file is sent out by the server, i.e. an HTML macro. Definition taken from NCSA httpd tutorial
SOSIG - The Social Science Information Gateway
Template - A form based on a metadata format with fields for the key attributes required to describe a resource and space to add values for each of these attributes to create a catalogue record.
Thesaurus - A thesaurus represents a collection of organised knowledge, often based on an abstract classification scheme, which provides a "map" of some subject domain. It is used by professional indexers as a source of controlled language (Centre for Interactive Systems Research definition)
Whois++ - An Internet directory services protocol
Z39.50 - A NISO standard for an applications layer protocol for information retrieval which is specifically designed to aid retrieval from distributed servers.



CSS Bugs and Workarounds,




W3C Cascading Style Sheets,

L. Rosenfeld & P. Morville, Information Architecture for the World Wide Web (O'Reilly, 1998).

Jakob Nielsen'Why frames suck most of the time'


Chapter author: Phil Cross, Martin Belcher

With contributions from: Jan Chipchase

-3.3. Accessibility and usability

In this chapter...
  • drawing up accessibility guidelines for your gateway
  • implementation of accessibility guidelines
  • validating your gateway's accessibility

The issues of good accessibility and usability are closely linked. Their importance has been emphasised in previous chapters of the handbook. How can these issues be best tackled and implemented in the development of a new gateway or the modification of an existing one?

Cross reference
User interface design

Accessibility and usability for your gateway

The accessibility and usability criteria of your gateway should have been drawn up after some degree of user consultation. Ideally, the user consultation will have produced a user interface design specification; The specification should contain particular information such as the gateway name, section division naming (if appropriate), structure and information architecture. Guidelines or parameters such as maximum page size (pixels and/or bytes), maximum download times, colour palette size and makeup, colour scheme and use of images will also form part of the specification. An ideal end result might be a document in the form of a checklist, against which a design can be developed and checked.

Remember that a checklist which contains too many items can be unusable in itself. Test a prototype version of your checklist to see if it is usable, before rolling it out to all developers. A design specification will probably be divided into several areas.

Usability issues

What usability issues will the gateway conform to? Guidelines here might be:

  • users will be able to search from every page
  • users will be able to search with one click
  • help (or perhaps context-sensitive help) will be available within every page
  • users will never be more than one click away from the homepage
  • feedback and comment facilities will always be no more than one click away
  • feedback will be provided to users on their actions (e.g. holding page while the search is being processed, guidelines on using search result pages)
  • users will not need to understand technical terminology (i.e. Boolean search rules) to carry out basic tasks

Site structure and navigation

It seems obvious, but some of the key problems with Web sites arise from the naming of sub-sections and the associated navigation of them. Fortunately, information gateways have common key sections which can easily be worked into a navigation system and which are almost universally understood (subject-specific and specialised gateways may differ in this area and so may be tailored to the user community). Section names often include:

  • home
  • search
  • browse
  • help
  • what's new

Accessibility issues

What accessibility criteria will the gateway conform to? Fortunately, a definitive set of accessibility guidelines already exists in the form of a W3C Recommendation: Web Content Accessibility Guidelines 1.0. It would save time and effort to adopt some or all of these official guidelines. The exact guidelines that are used may vary from gateway to gateway, as there are many recommendations and it may not be realistic to implement them all. Luckily, the guidelines have been prioritised in a way that makes it easy to see which accessibility issues have the greatest influence on potential users:

  • priority 1: must do
  • priority 2: should do

(see 'Disabled Accessibility: The Pragmatic Approach')

You might decide only to use items in the 'Priority 1' checklist and a selection of those from the lower priority groups, for example:

  1. Provide a text equivalent for every non-text element (e.g. via 'alt', 'longdesc', or in element content). Non-text elements include: images, graphical representations of text (including symbols), image map regions, animations (e.g. animated GIFs), applets and programmatic objects, ASCII art, frames, scripts, images used as list bullets, spacers, graphical buttons, sounds (played with or without user interaction), stand-alone audio files, audio tracks of video, and video.
  2. Ensure that all information conveyed with colour is also available without colour, for example from context or markup.
  3. Clearly identify changes in the natural language of a document's text and any text equivalents (e.g. captions).
  4. Organise documents so they may be read without style sheets. For example, when an HTML document is rendered without associated style sheets, it must still be possible to read the document.

Implementing accessibility guidelines

The simplest way to implement and check that your gateway meets its accessibility and usability requirements is to use a simple 'checklist' during development of the interface. Developing the user interface as a series of templates, separated from the technology of the gateway, makes changing aspects of the interface much easier. As the interface develops it can be continually checked against the checklist of requirements.

When a gateway's interface is complete, it is often worth stating that the site conforms to certain guidelines (e.g. HTML 4.0, Bobby Approved, Web interoperability); however, do not do this on your most commonly accessed pages (e.g. the home page or the search page) but rather confine this information to an 'about' section or page.

Validating your gateway's accessibility

  . Tips

Accessibility validating using Bobby

Bobby is a Web-based tool which analyses Web pages for their accessibility to people with disabilities. Bobby's analysis of accessibility is based on the World Wide Web Consortium's (W3C) Web Content Accessibility Guidelines.

Bobby also analyses Web pages for compatibility with various browsers. Analysis is based on documentation from browser vendors, when this is available. Bobby automatically checks sites for compatibility with HTML 4.0. For accessibility and tag compatibility with browser specifications other than HTML 4.0, use the Advanced Options. Once your web site receives a Bobby Approved rating, you are entitled to use a Bobby Approved icon on your site.

Bobby is available as a free downloadable application which allows you to check multiple local files or entire Web sites in one operation. The application runs the same page-checking code as the online version. Bobby is a very useful resource which should be used by all gateway developers and maintainers.

Usability into the future

It is worth noting that Web-related technologies change, users change and information changes. However, seldom do any of these variables change at the same time. The result is that you should always be aware that the criteria for usability and accessibility are not set in stone. Along with other aspects of the gateway, these criteria should be reviewed from time to time and, if need be, adjusted to meet changes and developments. It should be noted that users rarely change as quickly as everything else around them! Caution is therefore advisable when implementing any user-side technological changes.

  . Tips
  • Adopting a Web accessibility policy makes your Web site more usable for all users.


Accessibility - the characteristics of Web content and whether or not it is accessible to people with disabilities
Usability - the degree of ease with which human beings can interact with an object, in particular a computer system
W3C - World Wide Web Consortium



Disabled Accessibility: The Pragmatic Approach

Jacob Nielsen's Alertbox Column

List of Checkpoints for Web Content Accessibility Guidelines 1.0

L. Rosenfeld & P. Morville, Information Architecture for the World Wide Web (O'Reilly, 1998).

J. M. Spool et al., Web Site Usability: A Designers Guide (Morgan Kaufmann Publishers Inc., 1999).

W3C, Web Content Accessibility Guidelines 1.0


Chapter author: Martin Belcher, Phil Cross

With contributions from: Jan Chipchase

-3.4. Harvesting, indexing and automated metadata collection

In this chapter...
  • The technical aspects behind automatic collection of Internet resource descriptions and how to make good use of the results
  • The software used by the DESIRE II project is reviewed - possibilities and limitations
  • Try for yourself; set up a Harvested Information Gateway! We'll show you how to do it

This chapter provides a starting point for technical specialists who are considering using harvesting, indexing and automated metadata collection within their information gateway. An information gateway which works like this consists of three separate mechanisms:

  • A robot which collects resource descriptions from the Web according to a set of rules. Care must be taken in order to assure that the robot detects and saves any metadata provided within the resource. NetLab develops and maintain a Web harvesting system called Combine.
  • The collected resources must be indexed and made available using a server that can process queries and requests for information retrieval. DESIRE II uses the Zebra search engine from Indexdata which implements the ANSI/NISO Z39.50 search and retrieval protocol.
  • Finally, the indexed resources hosted by the server must be made readily available to the end-users. Thus we need a Web interface that is able to communicate with the server, i.e. compliant with the ANSI/NISO Z39.50 protocol, and which can respond to end-users' requests. There exist a few gateways with such an interface. We will use the Europagate service provided by dtv.

The main software components used in the DESIRE II project are reviewed. The rest of this chapter describes how to glue the different pieces together into a running environment that can accommodate further development.


The core function of an information gateway is to make bibliographic records available for advanced searching. The ANSI/NISO Z39.50 protocol is specially designed to support very detailed request and retreival sessions. That is why the Desire project uses the Zebra server software which implements that very protcol. Since ANSI/NISO Z39.50 isn't very widely supported (none of the major Web browsers provides a client) we need to use a gateway. The gateway's main functionality is to channel requests passed via HTTP to a Z39.50 server and return an appropriate response. It also has to keep track of all the different sessions for all users who access the gateway. Finally, we obviously should have a robot to collect the Web resources in the first place. There are many robots available, but we need one that can deal with our particular interest in metadata as well as our need to adjust robot output in a way that makes it easily available to the Zebra server. Combine fulfils both these requirements.

Harvesting and Combine

The harvesting metaphor was coined because of the strong similarities between the automated collection of Web resources and real-world harvesting. Both of these tasks raise three key issues:

  1. What sort of crop are we interested in and where do we find it?
  2. How do we harvest?
  3. Can we keep the weeds out?

The first question is concerned with how best to discover Internet resources and is primarily a matter of manual selection. Those aspects are described in a separate chapter.

Cross reference
Resource discovery

It does, however, highlight an important problem that begs for computerised support. A harvester works very well on a field of corn but it performs poorly in other contexts, for instance when we're looking for rare mushrooms in a forest. We simply cannot take everything and then sift the mushrooms from the wood, grass and pebbles. A similar line of reasoning applies to a Web robot. It would be a huge waste of time and resources to make a robot crawl around the entire .com domain in order to harvest any page concerning the sale of fountain pens. While it is possible to employ subject specialists to detect valuable Web resources and librarians to catalogue them, such an approach is relatively expensive. For this reason it is tempting to design a Web robot that, when given a promising starting point, is able to select which trails to follow.


EELS and All Engineering

An interesting attempt to address these matters has been made within the DESIRE II project. Read about EELS and All Engineering.

The last two questions are easier to approach from the point of view of an information analyst who wishes to design a Web robot so we'll dispense with the agronomics. Instead we shall turn our attention to how the Combine system is designed to serve as an integral part of an information gateway. Combine is an open, metadata-aware system for distributed, collaborative Web indexing and it is freely available. It consists of a scheduler, a couple of robots, and receivers that process and store robot output.

Description of Combine
  1. The scheduler is loaded with a set of nodes called JCFs which each contain an URL and some meta information. Depending on an internal set of rules that are configurable, the scheduler selects the next URL to be processed and launches a robot (harvester).
  2. The robot visits its target server and retrieves data. It is designed to be very polite and well mannered towards the targeted server in order to keep its administrator happy. Data is delivered via a receiver (rd) and written to a depot (hrf) where the parsers can access it.
  3. The parsers are able to detect metadata as well as metadata formats such as Dublin Core. The parsers mark up all detected metadata and hyperlinks in accordance with a special format. Parser output is stored in a tree-like manner directly on the filesystem under the hdb directory. The hyperlinks that constitute a complete URL can be recycled, thus allowing recursive harvesting of a Web site.

You are strongly recommended to visit the Combine home page to get a general overview before trying to install and run Combine. Note that some information on the Combine home page may be a bit out of date.

Installing and running Combine

Before you start, make sure you have:

  • a system running your favourite UNIX flavour. Combine has been successfully installed under various versions of Linux and Solaris 2.5 and higher
  • Perl version 5.003 or higher, including the MD5 package
  • gcc 2.7.x or higher, complete with g++ front end and C++ libraries
  • the Berkeley DB system; fetch and install the latest stable version from Sleepy-Cat Software
  • a decent version of make, preferably GNU's
  • created a top level directory within which everything will be built. Call it, for instance, DESIRE2


  1. Fetch the latest stable distribution from the Combine home page.
  2. Unpack the tarball; type 'tar xzvf combine-???.src.tgz'.
  3. Enter the unpacked directory, from now on referred to as 'combine-src/'. Type 'cd combine-src/'.
  4. Edit the Makefile. Most users will only need to make three changes:
      a) Set 'HOME_ALL' to indicate where to build Combine. Make sure that the directory exists. The build directory will be referred to as 'COMBINE/'.
      b) Set 'DB' to the directory where your Berkeley DB system is located.
      c) Uncomment any line concerning your OS under the platform specific section.
  5. Type 'make; make install'.
  6. Everything should go smoothly but don't hesitate to use the mailing list if you have any trouble installing the Combine software.


  1. Create a file, say, 'starturls.txt' in your 'COMBINE/etc' directory. Put the URLs you wish to harvest on separate lines in 'starturls.txt'. Remember, Combine supports recursive harvesting so you don't need to provide URLs to all individual pages on a domain.
  2. The Combine system's ability to recursively harvest a Web site poses a problem. We may very well want to restrict our search for Web resources to a specific host or domain or similar. To do this, edit the 'config_allow' and 'config_exclude' files in 'COMBINE/etc/'. The files are configured by means of regular expressions similar to Perl's and they contain a few typical examples.
  3. Edit the file 'COMBINE/etc/combine.conf' and provide the necessary information.
  4. Browse the 'COMBINE/etc/config_binext' and 'COMBINE/etc/config_parsable'.

Running Combine

Note that this example is intended to show what a Combine session looks like and is therefore run by hand.

  1. Type 'cd COMBINE/' since some scripts depend on being run from that directory.
  2. Type 'bin/start-cabin'.
  3. 'bin/start-hdb 2' where '2' tells Combine that we want 2 parsers.
  4. 'bin/start-harvester-local 4', twice as many harvesters.
  5. Prepare the scheduler. Type 'bin/ open; bin/ pause'.
  6. We're all fired up and ready to feed Combine with input. This is done by piping our URLs in 'COMBINE/etc/starturls.txt' through a set of filters:
      a) The first filter 'bin/' applies the rules in 'config_allow' and 'config_exclude' and it can be omitted.
      b) 'jcf' stands for job control format and it is Combine's internal representation of an URL. Since all URLs must be formatted this way, the filter 'bin/' is useful.
      c) Finally, we load our jcfs into the scheduler with 'bin/'.
  7. Let's put it all together:
    'cat start-urls.txt | bin/ | bin/ | bin/'
    Note: Only 'bin/' affects the state of Combine, so don't be afraid to experiment with the others.
  8. Launch Combine with 'bin/ 1'.

Now what?

If everything went fine, there should be be a file entry with a 'rec' suffix for each harvested Web page under the 'COMBINE/hdb/' directory. Take some time to browse the directories to see what has happened during your first Combine session. In order to harvest all interesting links that resulted from the this session, simply type:

'bin/ | bin/ | bin/ | bin/'

People who are more interested in getting things done rather than wasting time with low-level Combine details may irritably ask themselves: 'Isn't there any high-level interface available to all this nonsense?' Fortunately there is. Browse the html document cje/cje.html and find out how to install and run the Combine Job Editor. Note that you need a Web server to take full advantage of this package.

Zebra and Z39.50

Zebra is an indexing system and a retrieval engine attached to a Z39.50 server. The following introduction to Z39.50 comes from a document at Indexdata describing Zebra.

The ANSI/NISO Z39.50-1995 standard presents a model of a very flexible, general-purpose information management and retrieval system. The intent is that this model should be placed 'in front' of new and existing information systems, to provide a uniform interface to client applications. This in turn provides the user with a number of benefits, including a uniform interface to many different kinds of information sources - hopefully tailored exactly to his specific needs by the provider of the client software. Z39.50 allows many different systems to look the same to the individual user, and it allows the individual information system to appear in many different forms, to suit the varying preferences and requirements of the users.

The quotation above should encourage you to believe that Zebra will somehow index and answer Z39.50 queries on, say, the stuff that Combine recently fetched from the Web.

Installing and running Zebra


  1. Get zebra and yaz from Indexdata.
  2. Unpack the tarballs from the DESIRE2 directory.
  3. Installation is simple. Enter each directory and type 'configure; make'. Make sure that you build yaz before you build zebra.
  4. Check your zebra/index/ directory for two executables: zebraidx and zebrasrv.

Configuring and running Zebra

  1. Download the configuration files and unpack them with 'tar xzvf zcfg.tgz'. Enter the new directory zebraindex.
  2. Create a link to the data collected by Combine. Type 'ln -s ../COMBINE/hdb hdb'.
  3. Browse the configuration in zebra.zfg and check all paths. Try to create an index by typing:
    '../zebra/index/zebraidx -c zebra.cfg -g index update hdb >&! index.log'
  4. Start the zebra server. Type:
    '../zebra/index/zebrasrv -c zebra.cfg tcp:host.domain:1101 &'

The Europa Gateway

Now is a good time to think about how to make our data publicly available. Since none of the most common Web browsers supplies a Z39.50 client we must have a Web interface to query our installation with HTTP requests. Visit and complete the three first fields of the form. Leave the others to their default values. Press 'submit'. Now search for the nickname that you just gave your name server. Enjoy!

Core skills

Anyone interested in setting up a vanilla-flavoured information gateway should be familiar with UNIX and its development environment in general. Knowledge of Perl-style regular expressions will make things a bit simpler. Programming skills and fluency in Perl are necessary for configuring an information gateway to fit a specific purpose, tuning performance and so on.

Staff effort

Anyone who has the core skills listed above will be able to set up and configure a first gateway in under a week. With some experience it could be done in two hours. Experience shows that the maintenance of a gateway takes about four hours a week.




Chapter author: Fredrick Rybarczyk

With contributions from: Andy Powell, Jasper Tredgold

-3.5. User profiles

In this chapter...
  • why profiles?
  • personalisation
  • characterising user interests
  • authentication, trust and standards
  • directory services
  • legal issues

This chapter provides a brief overview of some issues surrounding the provision of personal profile services for Information Gateways. It is beyond the scope of this document to offer a comprehensive account of these complex issues. Instead, a brief summary of major points is provided alongside pointers to more detailed treatments available online.

Why Profiles?

User profile services are a natural extension to the subject gateway approach. Subject-themed Information Gateways provide a focal point for broadly defined subject communities. Through the addition of user profile facilities, broadly-based gateways can begin to provide more specific 'views' into their information services. This is particularly important where a gateway's target audience includes multiple smaller communities. For example, a Social Science service such as SOSIG may have information appropriate for the Economics, Psychology and Law subject areas. Individuals in these professions may think of themselves as economists, psychologists or lawyers rather than as social scientists. A broadly based Social Science gateway that covers these topics (amongst others) might therefore benefit from an architecture which allows community specific or personalised views into a sub-set of the available resources. User profiles, which we might loosly define here as 'data structures that describe the properties of users', are an essential component of such a system since they allow a service to cross-reference information resources against user interests.


The notion of a 'personalised' interfaces to Web content has become commonplace. There are challenges involved in the creation of such interfaces, but these typically share a common component: personal profiles. As used here, 'personal profiles' refers to the practice of describing individuals and various of their properties in a database for the purpose of improving their access to networked information resources. For example, a profile might store name and address details, home page URL, URL of an online image of that person, alongside details of their interests.

Characterising User Interests

While there are no established standards for doing this, a simple guiding principle is to attempt to align the subject classification of documents and other 'discoverable' resources with user profile 'interest' classifications describing the subject or subjects that some user is interested in hearing about. For example, an information gateway targeted at the Economics community might adopt the JEL (Journal of Economic Literature) subject scheme both for user profiles and for classification. The SOSIG Grapevine service, similarly, has used the UDC subject scheme for personal interest profiling, to facilitate easy cross referencing with SOSIG catalogue records.

Many of the observations made in this handbook concerning the value of formal classification schemes and controlled vocabularies in the context of document description are also of relevance in the field of user profiling. There are, however, some differences. If complex structured vocabularies are to be used to allow users to describe their interests, a number of challenges arise for Information Gateway architects.

User Interface:
There is a significant challenge associated with building an intuitive interface which allows users to pick subject headings from a (potentially very large) set of subject categories they interested in.

Multiple subject schemes:
The problem of multiple classification schemes and mapping between them is as big a problem here as in document classification (See the section on controlled vocabularies).

Multiple interests:
This is another potential usability problem. There is a case to be made for allowing users to define multiple 'profiles' for each of several potentially unrelated subject interests they may have. While this result can result in a 'cleaner' and more accurately structured profile, there is an associated cost in terms of the increased user interface complexity.

Authentication, Trust and Standards

For an information gateway to offer personal profile based services, it is necessary for the service to have one or more mechanisms to establish the identity of users. There are a range of options here, from a simple stand-alone database of username/password pairs to more sophisticated cryptographic solutions. Gateway providers should be aware that there is as yet no widespread 'right answer' to this problem. Deployment of cryptographic (digital signature) technologies for this is at an early stage. Simpler username/password approaches (particularly when the default non-encrypted 'Simple authentication' HTTP authentication protocol is used) have their own problems. Users will frequently forget their passwords, and are known to be reluctant to go to the trouble of logging in to an authenticated service unless there is a clear benefit to doing so.

It is important to establish both formal and informal trust relationships with users when building a personalised, authentication-mediated Information Gateway. A formal 'privacy statement' for your service is a necessity. Users should know exactly what data you will be holding about them, and the purposes to which it will be put. The Platform for Privacy and Preferences (P3P) work of the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) is a relevant standard here. P3P provides a common vocabulary for making such statements, both in simple natural language and in a machine-processable XML/RDF vocabulary. The idea here is to facilitate automatic negotiation between 'user agents' (i.e. Web browsers) and Web services such as information gateways.

The current Web model for acquiring user profile information from users usually involves the user completing a Web form. Uses are often reluctant to do so, both due to lack of trust or knowledge regarding the remote service, or because it is simply a boring and repetitive task. The combination of metadata standards such as P3P, vCard and XML/RDF promises to make this task easier. vCard is a simple standard which specifies a common set of fields for personal profile data; in this sense it plays a similar role to that played by the Dublin Core element set in document description.

A P3P-aware browser and server should be capable of discussing, on behalf of their human counterparts (end user, service provider) the data fields requested by the server and the applications it will be acceptable to use these for. Whilst P3P is not yet widely deployed, Information Gateway services should be aware that such facilities are a likely development, and that their potential for service enhancements may be significant. For example, if P3P succeeds, Web services will be able to automatically ask for subject-interest information about users browsing their site.


P3P Example Scenario

The following example shows some of the current capabilities of the P3P data negotiation framework. P3P has an extensible architecture, and may in future versions allow such machine-processable statements to refer to arbitrary data structures (such as subject interest information).

Note: the english language text that follows has a precise mapping onto the formal, machine processable data structures defined in the P3P specification. The actual text below is based on an example from the AT&T Privacy Minder toolkit, and happens to fairly well characterise the current operating policies for the DESIRE project web site.

Sample (Fictional) P3P Privacy Statement for

The DESIRE project makes the following statement for the Web pages at

We collect clickstream and user agent information stored in standard HTTP log files. We use this information for Web site and system administration. We do not distribute this information or use it in a way that would identify you.

We also have forms on our Web site where we may collect your contact information, information about your computer, demographic information, and information about your preferences. We use this information to complete transactions, provide customized services, and contact you. We may also use it for system administration and for research and development. We will not distribute this information to other organisations.

We use "cookies" on some of our Web pages in order to provide customize services to you and to research the way people use our web site.

For further sample applications of P3P see AT&T's "Privacy Minder" tools at

Directory Services

One possible technology applicable to Information Gateway user profile services is LDAP, or more broadly, 'white page' directory services. LDAP is a derivative of the older X.500 standard for representing personal data in a set of networked databases. LDAP does not address problems such as the classification of user interests, but does provide a widely implemented standard for representing name, address and contact detail information. Whether a directory-based approach, rather than a privately managed database, is appropriate will depend on the nature of your application. Where profile information will be exploited by a number of loosely connected Information Gateways, LDAP may be an attractive solution.

Legal Issues

Any computer-based service which stores data about individuals should take legal advice about their practices, and in particular about the implicit or explicit contracts that they enter into with users. It is beyond the scope of this handbook to offer further guidance here, other than to say that the full complexities of the international environment of the Web have yet to be worked through in court. Different countries have varying laws regarding the management and storage of personal profile data; service providers should consequently proceed with caution when making such systems available to an international user base.


LDAP - Lightweight Directory Access Protocol
P3P - Platform for Privacy and Preferences
RDF - Resource Description Framework
XML - Extensible Markup Language




M. Wahl, T. Howes & S. Kille, RFC 2251, Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (v3) (Internet Engineering Task Force, Network Working Group, December 1997).


Chapter author: Dan Brickley

-3.6. Interoperability

In this chapter...
  • why interoperability is important for information gateways
  • the role of protocols such as LDAP, Whois++ and Z39.50
  • interoperability between metadata formats, metadata crosswalks and metadata registries
  • content issues: cataloguing rules and classification schemes

No single information gateway will be able to describe each and every relevant Internet resource, even if it is limited to a relatively small subject area. Therefore, as the Internet continues to grow, gateways will need to co-operate (and interoperate) with each other to create distributed systems with wide geographical and linguistic coverage. Place (1999) suggests that the international library community is well placed to take up this challenge. She also notes that a collaborative network known as IMesh will provide an open forum for exchanging ideas and technology.

Indeed, the consistent use of existing standards and technologies already permits a large amount of inter-gateway collaboration. A lot of technical effort has gone into building interoperability between search protocols and metadata formats and into developing gateway software that is able to cross-search more than one gateway.



IMesh provides an open forum and mailing list for exchanging ideas and technologies for promoting information gateways.

This chapter will not explain in technical detail how to implement interoperability features in a gateway, but will provide an overview of the various issues surrounding gateway interoperability.


In a computer science context the term 'interoperability' is used to refer to the transparent management of different applications and software. In an information gateway context, interoperability generally means one of two things:

  • being able to search, browse and retrieve information from distributed gateways based on (broadly) the same technologies, protocols and metadata formats
  • being able to search, browse and retrieve information from distributed gateways based on a variety of software solutions, search and retrieve protocols and metadata formats

These two different challenges require slightly different solutions. Where the same protocols and metadata formats are in use, ensuring interoperability is usually a matter of making sure that each gateway is set up in a consistent manner and has the correct interfaces. For example, it should be relatively easy to ensure that all services based on the Whois++ search and retrieve protocol (e.g. services based on the ROADS software toolkit) can be cross-searched. Interoperability, in these circumstances, becomes less of a technical problem and more a matter of the consistent use of metadata formats and their related content standards (e.g. cataloguing and subject indexing).

Where services are based on a variety of protocols and metadata formats, however, these non-technical problems remain - indeed, they are usually more difficult to solve - but additional technical layers will also need to be developed, involving the production of inter-protocol gateways, 'middleware' and metadata crosswalks.

In practice, however, information gateways tend to be based on a relatively small number of technologies, protocols and metadata formats, at least when compared with the whole information universe. This means that any work carried out on integrating several selected protocols and formats will be applicable in a number of different situations.

Information gateways and interoperability

Ensuring that information gateways are interoperable will generally require the consistent application of available standards. There are four main 'standards-based' factors affecting interoperability among information gateways:

  • the use of different search and retrieve (or indexing) protocols
  • the use of different metadata formats
  • differences in cataloguing standards
  • differences in subject indexing schemes


Interoperability among information gateways requires the consistent use of relevant protocols. The most relevant protocols for gateways are LDAP, Whois++ and Z39.50.

The Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP)

LDAP (cf. e.g. RFC 2251) was developed as a simple alternative to the ISO X.500 protocol, a directory access protocol designed for providing access to distributed information about people (names, email addresses, telephone numbers, etc). Accordingly, most existing applications of LDAP are so-called 'white pages' services. However, there is no reason why LDAP cannot be used for other services, including information gateways.


The Isaac Network

The Isaac Network - an initiative of the Internet Scout Project based in the Computer Sciences Department at the University of Wisconsin-Madison - is using an LDAP directory for Dublin Core metadata records about resources (Roszkowski and Lukas, 1998: Lukas and Roszkowski, 1999).


The Whois++ protocol was originally developed for directory services, to operate as a simple (template-based), distributed and extensible information lookup service (RFC 1835). Its extensible architecture, however, meant that its developers expected it to find applications in a number of other information service areas. Whois++ also provides a general architecture that is designed for the indexing of distributed databases and then applies that architecture to link together a multiple number of these Whois++ servers into a distributed, searchable wide-area directory service (RFC 1913). Unlike other directory protocols (e.g. X.500 or LDAP), Whois++ does not require a hierarchical representation of data space, but servers 'refer' the clients to other servers in a Whois++ 'mesh' (RFC 1914). Queries are routed through this mesh based on 'forward knowledge' held by one server about another. In Whois++, this forward knowledge is maintained using the Common Indexing Protocol (CIP).

CIP is a protocol used between servers in a network to facilitate query routing, the 'act of redirecting and replicating queries through a distributed database system towards the servers holding the actual results via reference to indexing information' (Allen and Mealling, 1997). It is not part of Whois++ and indeed can be used with other protocols such as LDAP. CIP is based upon the concept of index summaries or centroids. A centroid can be considered as a summary of the structured information in a given server; for example, it could be a simple inverted index of the information contained within a database's templates. This can then be used, for (e.g.) query routing within a distributed database.


ROADS use of Whois++ and centroids

The ROADS software (from version 1) uses the Whois++ protocol to query (and retrieve information from) distributed servers containing structured descriptions (ROADS templates) of Internet resources. In addition, ROADS (version 2) makes use of the centroid facility of Whois++ to facilitate query routing between servers. It may be worth while describing these technologies in more detail.

In a cross-searching context, a ROADS 'index server' will periodically visit ROADS-based information gateways and generate an index summary (or centroid). The centroid for each service (or server) will contain all relevant index terms in that database, so that an initial search of the index server will determine which of the subject services has information that matches a given query. If desired, the query can then automatically be passed on to all the information gateways whose centroids indicate the existence of relevant index terms and the templates containing them returned for display to the end-user. Demonstrations of ROADS cross-searching are currently available on the Web (ROADS project, 1998), as are more detailed descriptions of the technologies that underlie it (e.g. Knight and Hamilton, 1995; Kirriemuir, et al., 1998).


The Z39.50 protocol (e.g. Library of Congress, 1999) is a standard for information retrieval approved by the National Information Standards Organization (NISO) - a committee accredited by the American National Standards Institute (ANSI). It has also been recognised by the International Organization for Standardization (ISO), where it is known as ISO 23950:1998.

The Z39.50 protocol allows client applications to search databases on remote 'target' servers and to retrieve relevant information. It therefore supports the retrieval of information from distributed remote databases (Turner, 1995). The first applications using it, for example software for distributed searching of library online public-access catalogues, were developed specifically for bibliographic data, but attribute sets can be defined to allow the protocol to work with many other types of data. For example, systems using Z39.50 have been developed for libraries, archives, museums and data archives.


The AHDS gateway

The Arts and Humanities Data Service (AHDS) consists of five distributed subject-based service providers which, in addition to their other responsibilities, provide access to descriptions of digital resources in five separate subject domains:

  • Archaeology Data Service (ADS)
  • History Data Service (HDS)
  • Oxford Text Archive (OTA)
  • Performing Arts Data Service (PADS)
  • Visual Arts Data Service (VADS)

Each of these services operates within a resource description context specific to its own subject domain. For example, the Oxford Text Archive - a service provider for literary and linguistic texts - would normally describe resources using a metadata format known as 'Text Encoding Initiative (TEI) headers'.

The AHDS has implemented a resource discovery system which provides unified access to these heterogeneous (and distributed) resource descriptions using Dublin Core and a Z39.50 gateway (Miller and Greenstein, 1997). Greenstein and Murray (1997, p. 56) explain:

[The Z39.50-based] software acts as a mediating layer between on the one hand, a World Wide Web interface from which users query a range of different catalogue databases and to which merged result sets are returned to the user, and on the other, the underlying catalogue databases themselves. From the users point of view, this 'middleware' irons out any differences that may exist in the underlying databases (e.g. in their native record structure, query language, and record syntax).

Z39.50 has not been widely implemented by information gateways. However, there is a wider need to ensure that gateways can interoperate with other resource discovery systems (such as library OPACs, hybrid library systems) and different metadata formats. For these reasons, projects like ROADS have needed to address issues relating to gateway interoperability with Z39.50.


ROADS (Whois++) interaction with Z39.50

Although ROADS databases normally make resource descriptions available using Whois++, the ROADS project realised that in some situations it would be desirable to make such databases available to end-user client and intermediate systems that use the Z39.50 protocol.

Two main approaches were adopted:

  1. A Z39.50 to Whois++ gateway. In this solution, the gateway functions as a Z39.50 server, accepting queries from Z39.50 client systems. It then converts them to Whois++ queries and passes them to the ROADS server. As the ROADS server returns results, they are converted into a suitable format for use by Z39.50 client systems and returned to the client as a Z39.50 results set. A Z39.50 to Whois++ gateway, known as ZEXI, has been developed as part of the ROADS project. It is based on the Isite Information System available from CNIDR. ZEXI returns simple, unstructured text-based records known as SUTRS.
  2. Loading ROADS records into a Z39.50-based database. The second approach involves copying records from a ROADS database into another database that has a Z39.50 interface. Typically, the records will require some form of conversion during the copying procedure. Candidate Z39.50 database systems include Isite and the Zebra System developed by Index Data. The Zebra Z39.50 server can make converted ROADS records available in two structured formats (USMARC and GRS-1) and in an unstructured format (SUTRS).

Documentation (and software) on making ROADS databases accessible using this second approach (the ROADS Z39.50 Plugin) is available from the ROADS project Web pages.

Metadata formats

Metadata crosswalks

Different information gateways will often use different metadata formats. For this reason there is a need for crosswalks (or mappings) between formats that can be used as the basis of interoperable systems (such as middleware) or for conversion programs.

Cross reference
Metadata formats

A number of inter-metadata crosswalks exist, many based on Dublin Core (RFC 2413). Core metadata formats are well placed to act as intermediaries for semantic interoperability between heterogeneous resource description models. Weibel (1997, p. 18) suggests that the promotion of a 'commonly understood set of core descriptors will improve the prospects for cross-disciplinary search by unifying related attributes'. He additionally suggests that an important approach to interoperability in a heterogeneous resource description environment would be to map many description schemas into a common set (such as Dublin Core) which would give users 'a single semantic model for searching'.

A number of Dublin Core (DC) based mappings currently exist; for example, there are important crosswalks from Dublin Core to USMARC (Caplan and Guenther, 1996; Network Development and MARC Standards Office, 1997). Other people and organisations have also produced DC mappings for various other formats including TEI headers, the Nordic MARC formats (as part of the Nordic Metadata Project) and UNIMARC (for project BIBLINK). A collection of these metadata mappings is maintained by Day (1996).

The ROADS project has produced metadata crosswalks between ROADS templates, Dublin Core, SOIF and the USMARC format.

Metadata Registries

Metadata formats require consistent application. This is particularly a problem with formats that are easily adaptable and extensible, such as ROADS templates or Dublin Core. It would be possible for an information gateway to modify (or customise) a metadata format so much that the service based on it would no longer be interoperable (cross-searchable) with other gateways.

One solution would be to require all gateways to conform to an agreed set of metadata attributes. However this goes against the very flexibility that gateways require in order to provide a good service to their own users. What is needed is a way of recording current practice so that gateways can modify metadata formats in the knowledge of what other gateways have done and without the problem of 'reinventing the wheel'.


The ROADS Template Registry

ROADS templates are defined for 15 different resource types. These are known as template types. Some of these template types (e.g. DOCUMENT, MAILARCHIVE and SERVICE) originate in the original IAFA template specification (Deutsch et al. 1994). Other templates have been developed specifically for ROADS-based services (e.g. PROJECT). At least one of the others (TRAINMAT, for training materials) was independently developed and has been published as RFC 2007.

Each template type has a number of set attributes. Some of these are specific to one template type, others are not. ROADS templates use what the IAFA specification calls 'clusters' to group together information on names, addresses and other contact details. Clusters currently in use describe a USER (an individual) or an ORGANIZATION. ROADS-based services can also add new attributes and create new template types.

Experience with ROADS-based gateways demonstrated a need for a metadata registry. The creation of new template types and the adaptation and extension of existing template types by subject services meant that there was no central location where the latest forms of these could be recorded.

The ROADS Template Registry takes the form of a list of template types, including all metadata attributes that have been proven to be useful. The aim of the registry is to preserve flexibility - to allow the creation of new template types and attributes where necessary - but also to prevent the unnecessary proliferation of template types and attributes and to maintain some level of consistency.

Consistency is extremely important in the context of ROADS cross-searching and interoperability. It would be possible for a ROADS user to consider creating a new template type for (say) recorded music; it would be desirable to base this on an existing template type (e.g. VIDEO) and to use - wherever possible - attributes and clusters that are common to more than one existing template type.

What are needed are extensible metadata registries which provide canonical definitions of all elements and also disclose local uses. These registries should be understandable by both humans and machines. ISO/IEC 11179:1997 - Specification and standardization of data elements is a formal standard for expressing the semantics of data elements suitable for registries, but few metadata registries based on this standard currently exist.


ISO/IEC 11179 registries

Environmental Data Registry (EDR)

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) developed its Environmental Data Registry (EDR) as a comprehensive and authoritative source of reference information about environmental data. The registry provides information on data names, definitions, formats, and relationships and identifies organisations (or individuals) responsible for the various data. Registered users can also register new data elements in the EDR.

National Health Information Knowledgebase (NHIK)

The Australian Institute of Health and Welfare (AIHW) developed its National Health Information Knowledgebase (NHIK) as an 'electronic repository' for health metadata. Data elements within the Knowledgebase have been documented using ISO/IEC 11179.

Content issues


In practice, interoperability is not just dependent upon consistency in the use of the metadata format itself but is also dependent upon the consistency of the content contained within the format. For example, in the library community the MARC formats specify a framework for the description of bibliographic items while the content of MARC records will often conform to other standards, usually based on one of the International Standard Bibliographic Descriptions (ISBDs) or cataloguing rules derived from them.

For this reason, the formulation of cataloguing guidelines will be an important part of the interoperability strategy of a gateway (e.g. Day, 1998). This will mean taking account of cataloguing practice in other gateways and the production of standardised cataloguing rules, considering such issues as:

  • chief sources of information
  • capitalisation
  • date formats
  • language codes
  • formats for personal and corporate names

Cross reference

Subject classifications

Another content-based area where interoperability is likely to become an issue is in the application of subject information in the form of classification schemes and thesaurus terms.

Classification schemes provide an information gateway with a browsing structure. It is possible that two or more distributed gateways could be combined to form a single service. Successful cross-browsing will depend upon the consistent application of the same classification scheme. Therefore, information gateways that want to facilitate cross-browsing should, wherever possible, use the same classification system.

Otherwise, complex mappings will have to be produced to enable conversion between schemes. This may not be too difficult at the higher levels of a universal subject hierarchy but where any detail is involved it will become problematic because of theoretical, conceptual, cultural and practical differences between systems.

Cross reference
Subject indexing and classification, Co-operation between gateways


It is important for all information gateways to consider interoperability issues. It is generally agreed that the way forward for information gateways is increased co-operation; successful information gateway co-operation will depend upon successful interoperability and in the consistent application of standards regarding such matters as protocols, metadata formats, cataloguing rules and subject classification schemes. Gateways can start to make immediate use of existing tools that promote interoperability and to build the technical links between distributed gateways that will form the basis of any future international co-operation.


ADS - Archaeology Data Service
AHDS - Arts and Humanities Data Service
AIHW - Australian Institute of Health and Welfare
ANSI - American National Standards Institute
CIP - Common Indexing Protocol
CNIDR - Center for Networked Information Discovery and Retrieval
EDR - Environmental Data Registry
EPA - Environmental Protection Agency
HDS - History Data Service
IAFA - Internet Anonymous FTP Archive
IEC - International Electrotechnical Commission
IETF - Internet Engineering Task Force
ISBD - International Standard Bibliographic Description
ISO - International Standards Organization
LDAP - Lightweight Directory Access Protocol
MARC - Machine-Readable Cataloguing
NHIK - National Health Information Knowledgebase
NISO - National Information Standards Organisation
OTA - Oxford Text Archive
PADS - Performing Arts Data Service
RFC - IETF Request for Comments
ROADS - Resource Organisation and Discovery in Subject-based services
SUTRS - Simple Unstructured Text Record
TEI - Text Encoding Initiative
UNIMARC - Universal MARC format
VADS - Visual Arts Data Service
Whois++ - A 'lightweight' Internet protocol for information retrieval
X.500 - An ISO directory protocol
Z39.50 - An ANSI/NISO developed protocol for information retrieval - also known as ISO 23950


AHDS gateway,



Isaac Network,



ROADS template registry,

ROADS Z39.50 plugin,

J. Allen & M. Mealling, The architecture of the Common Indexing Protocol (CIP) (FIND Working Group, Internet-Draft, 18 November 1998).

P. L. Caplan, & R. S. Guenther, 'Metadata for Internet resources: the Dublin Core Metadata Element Set and its mapping to USMARC', Cataloging and Classification Quarterly 22 nos. 3-4 (1996), 43-58.

M. Day, Mapping between metadata formats (Bath: UKOLN The UK Office for Library and Information Networking, 1996).

M. Day, ROADS cataloguing guidelines (Bath: UKOLN The UK Office for Library and Information Networking, 1998).

P. Deutsch, A. Emtage, M. Koster & M. Stumpf, Publishing information on the Internet with Anonymous FTP (Internet Engineering Task Force, Internet Draft, September 1994).

P. Deutsch, R. Schoultz, P. Faltstrom & C. Weider, RFC 1835, Architecture of the WHOIS++ service (Internet Engineering Task Force, Network Working Group, August 1995).

P. Faltstrom, R. Schoultz & C. Weider, RFC 1914, How to interact with a Whois++ Mesh (Internet Engineering Task Force, Network Working Group, February 1996).

J. Foster, M. Issacs & M. Prior, RFC 2007, Catalogue of network training materials (Internet Engineering Task Force, Network Working Group, October 1996).

D. Greenstein & R. Murray, 'Metadata and middleware: a systems architecture for cross-domain discovery' in P. Miller & D. Greenstein, eds., Discovering online resources across the humanities: a practical implementation of the Dublin Core (Bath: UKOLN on behalf of the Arts and Humanities Data Service, October 1997), 56-62.

ISO 23950:1998, Information and documentation - Information retrieval (Z39.50) - Application service definition and protocol specification (Geneva: International Organisation for Standardization, 1998).

ISO/IEC 11179:1997, Information technology - Specification and standardization of data elements (Geneva: International Organisation for Standardization, 1997).

J. Kirriemuir, D. Brickley, S. Welsh, J. Knight & M. Hamilton, 'Cross-searching subject gateways: the query routing and forward knowledge approach', D-Lib Magazine (January 1998).

J. P. Knight & M. Hamilton, Overview of the ROADS software (LUT CS-TR 1010. Loughborough: Loughborough University of Technology, Department of Computer Studies, 1995).

Library of Congress, Z39.50 Maintenance Agency [home page], (Washington, D.C.: Library of Congress 1999).
*** URL needed?

C. Lukas & M. Roszkowski, 'The Isaac Network: LDAP and distributed metadata for resource discovery', Third IEEE Meta-data Conference, National Institutes of Health, Bethesda, Md., USA, 6-7 April 1999.

P. Miller & D. Greenstein, Discovering online resources across the humanities: a practical implementation of the Dublin Core (Bath: UKOLN on behalf of the Arts and Humanities Data Service, October 1997).

Network Development and MARC Standards Office, Dublin Core/MARC/GILS Crosswalk (Washington, D.C.: Library of Congress, 4 July 1997).

E. Place, 'International collaboration on Internet subject gateways', 65th IFLA Council and General Conference, Bangkok, Thailand, 20-28 August 1999.

ROADS project, CrossROADS (Bath: UKOLN The UK Office for Library and Information Networking, 1998).

M. Roszkowski & C. Lukas, 'A distributed architecture for resource discovery using metadata', D-Lib Magazine (June 1998).

F. Turner, An overview of the Z39.50 Information Retrieval standard (UDT Occasional Paper, 3. Ottawa: IFLA Universal Dataflow and Telecommunications Core Programme, 1995).

M. Wahl, T. Howes & S. Kille, RFC 2251, Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (v3) (Internet Engineering Task Force, Network Working Group, December 1997).

S. Weibel, J. Kunze, C. Lagoze & M. Wolf, RFC 2413, Dublin Core metadata for resource discovery (Internet Engineering Task Force, Network Working Group, September 1998).

C. Weider, J. Fullton & S. Spero, RFC 1913, Architecture of the Whois++ Index Service (Internet Engineering Task Force, Network Working Group, February 1996).


Chapter author: Michael Day

With contributions from: Rachel Heery

-3.7. Scalability

In this chapter...
  • an overview of scalability issues
  • user interface and usability
  • administration and management
  • systems issues

Scalability is an issue that needs to be considered when designing any system for long-term data storage. It is not sufficient to design your system to meet current requirements; you also need to take into account (or at least be aware) how your collection of data is likely to grow in the coming years. A system that is perfectly adequate for storing, manipulating and providing access to a small number of records or data may be quite unable to cope if the amount of data increases by one or two orders of magnitude.

This chapter will look at the problems and issues specific to subject gateways that arise because of such increases in database size and will consider approaches to dealing with these problems.


At present, subject gateways tend to consist of no more than a few thousand records because of the manual effort required to select and catalogue Internet resources. Even a 'large' subject gateway typically has only about six or seven thousand records. This is very small in comparison with traditional online bibliographic databases. Consequently, the problems associated with storing and retrieving large collections of bibliographic data, such as recall and precision in searches and search engine functionality, have not yet been significant.

It seems unlikely that individual subject gateways are capable of growing significantly in size, given current funding models. Only directories that have limited or no quality criteria, high levels of funding or possibly voluntary effort - such as Yahoo!, OCLC's NetFirst or the Open Directory Project - seem to be capable of producing manually-created databases with sizes of the order of hundreds of thousands of records.

The likely method of growth for subject gateways seems instead to be via collaborative effort. There are two approaches to building a collaborative subject gateway. The first is for a number of different organisations to contribute records to a central database. The problems with such an approach are likely to be concerned with the size of the database, maintaining reasonable performance on a single machine and providing network access to it. The second approach is for each organisation to maintain its own database, allowing the end-user to search across one or more of them depending on the nature of their query. In some cases a combination of the two approaches may be appropriate. These methods allow a real or virtual increase in size of the collection of resources presented to the end-user.

Cross reference
Interoperability, Co-operation between gateways

We have also begun to see the creation of harvesting software which enables the automated indexing of Internet resources whilst retaining a degree of quality because of the ability to choose the seeding URIs for the robot. The first phase of the DESIRE project developed some harvesting tools that can be used in conjunction with the ROADS and Zebra software. Such mechanisms have the potential to create databases at least one order of magnitude larger than those of current gateways. This increase in size of the database presented to the end-user and the ability to pass a single search to a number of different databases produce new problems that need to be addressed.


Case study - SOSIG Link Harvester Index

The SOSIG Link Harvester Index is an online database separate from the main SOSIG Internet Catalogue. Whereas the resources found in the SOSIG Internet Catalogue have been selected manually by subject experts, those in the SOSIG Link Harvester Index have been collected by software called a harvester (similar mechanisms may be referred to as robots or Web crawlers). The records in the Internet Catalogue provide the list of seeding URLs for the harvester.

Cross reference
Harvesting, indexing and automated metadata collection

Experiments are also taking place using useful 'lists of lists', not normally added to the catalogue, as seeding URLs.

Note: problems with large subject gateway databases are not limited to the user interface - the SOSIG Link Harvester Index has already had to be limited to 50,000 records because of indexing limitations in the ROADS software.

Scalability Issues


Part of the scalability problem is concerned with interface and usability issues. These include the presentation of large results sets to the user, the means by which the cross-search paradigm is presented and the ranking or filtering of any results produced. Another part of the problem is concerned with the management of such collections: for example, the need for automated mechanisms for link checking and perhaps for detecting changes to sites that require their descriptions to be updated. Finally there are issues relating to the computer systems used to run the subject gateway service, such as the need for databases that can handle much larger collections of data.

The rest of this chapter therefore consists of three sections; the first will look at user interface and usability issues, the second will consider administration and management issues and the third will consider the systems issues involved in maintaining large collections of records.

User interface and usability issues

With a relatively small database, the issue of precision in searching is not very important, since the user can scroll quickly through a results set to discover which are the most useful records. However, as the size of the database increases, so does the average number of records retrieved, and it then becomes much more difficult to select the most relevant and useful ones. This problem can be approached in two ways:

  • by increasing the precision of the search so that fewer irrelevant results are returned
  • by ranking and filtering the results set so that the most relevant results stand out in some manner Mechanisms for increasing precision of searches

Here are some ways in which the precision of searches can be increased:

  1. Allow searching by individual fields, such as title, as a way of increasing the usefulness of the search terms. Fields containing 'extra' information such as geographical area or type of resource will also be helpful for sorting relevant from irrelevant information.
  2. Allow the use of keywords. Keywords may be added to records as a means of describing the main topics dealt with in the resource being catalogued. This generally increases the 'recall' of searches. However, if keywords are combined with fielded searching, so that the keyword field can be specified, the precision of the results can also be improved.
  3. Allow the use of controlled vocabularies. These serve mainly to improve the recall of keyword searches and are usually organised into hierarchical structures, making it easier for the user to find the most relevant and specific term. Keyword searching using controlled vocabularies may cause problems with cross-searching, however, and requires the cross-searched catalogues to use the same vocabularies or to have a cross-mapping scheme drawn up for them.

Cross reference
Subject indexing and classification

Displaying large results sets

Typically, large results sets cannot be displayed on a single Web page. This is because of the time taken to retrieve the data and because of scrolling problems for the end-user. The ROADS software limits the total number of records which can be returned by a search but, as the size of the database increases, the proportion of searches resulting in 'too many hits' will also increase. In addition to reducing the number of hits returned, by increasing the precision of searches, it may also be sensible to investigate mechanisms for improving the way in which records are displayed. These may include:

  1. Limiting the number of records displayed at a time (note that ROADS doesn't currently support this feature). Remember that end-users may still not look through many pages of results even when they are presented in small chunks.
  2. Ranking and/or filtering the results. It may be possible to use metadata both to rank and filter results, for example to display results only for resources that are of undergraduate level or above. Such a technique could also be combined with recommendations (quality ratings) from other people in the end-user's subject area. A detailed discussion of these techniques is beyond the scope of this chapter; however some work in this area is currently under way in the DESIRE II project.

Cross reference
Quality selection: Quality ratings

Browsing larger collections (including cross-browsing)

Most subject gateways provide a browsing interface to their data in addition to a search interface. Many of the issues raised above apply equally to the browse interface. For example, as the number of records in the database grows, the lists of records presented in the browse interface are likely to become too long to be shown on a single Web page.

The browse interface is typically designed (at least in part) around the controlled vocabulary (classification scheme) for keywords described above. As the database increases in size, the number of records per section will also increase unless the granularity of the classification scheme is increased. Therefore, there are some design decisions that need to be taken concerning the depth and complexity of the classification scheme used.

Cross reference
Subject indexing and classification, User interface implementation

It is worth noting that a combination of browse and search interfaces may help the end-user. This may be achieved by embedding a restricted search interface into each sub-section of the browse interface, returning results that are only applicable to that sub-section.

Administration and Management Issues

As the number of records in a subject gateway database increases, the techniques used to manage it may need to change. Manual checking of records is likely to be feasible for a small database, but who wants to check 7,000 records by hand? What about 50,000 records?!

Some areas where automated checking of records may be possible are:

  1. Link checking. The ROADS software provides an automated link checker which will confirm the validity of the URLs in all the records in a subject gateway's database on a regular basis.
  2. Resource updates. There is a danger that the descriptions of resources held in subject gateways will become out of date as the resources themselves are updated. It may be possible to develop robot-based tools that check for potentially 'significant' changes to the resources described in a subject gateway's database, automatically warning resource cataloguers of the records that are likely to need updating.
  3. Review-by dates. By embedding a 'review-by' date into every resource description you can be notified automatically that a record hasn't been checked recently. Note that ROADS supports this feature out of the box.

Cross reference
Collection management

Systems Issues

It is clear that as a database grows the amount of disk space it requires will also grow. Memory and CPU power requirements will probably also increase. It is possible that database software that copes with 10,000 records may not cope efficiently with 100,000 records. For example, there is some evidence that the file system based database software supplied with ROADS by default does not cope well with databases larger than about 50,000 records. In theory, ROADS allows you to plug in alternative back-end databases. However, it is not clear how many services are actively using this feature.

There may also be performance problems associated with cross-searching large numbers of large databases. The searching system has to wait for results to come back from all the databases that it is searching. This may tie up network and other resources on that system. Research is currently being done within the DESIRE project into the areas of parallel searching and results interfaces which return results to the user as and when they become available. Findings in this area will be published on the DESIRE Web site.


DESIRE - Project funded under the Europena Union's Telematics for research Programme to enhance and facilitate Web usage among researchers in Europe (producer of this handbook)
OCLC - Online Computer Library Centre Inc.
ROADS - ROADS is a set of software tools to enable the set up and maintenance of Web based subject gateways.
SOSIG - The Social Science Information Gateway





Open Directory Project,

SOSIG Harvester,



Chapter author: Phil Cross, Andy Powell

-3.8. Future proofing

In this chapter...
  • importance of planning for the future
  • planning ahead: hardware, software and content

It is in the interests of all associated with the service to make reasonable attempts to future proof investment in the subject gateway. In this chapter we will consider how concern for future proofing can influence the gateway's decisions as regards hardware, software and content. Good decisions in these areas will provide a sound foundation for the future of the gateway. We will give a brief overview of some issues related to planning for the future in an area of rapid technological change and introduce some thoughts on how planning relates to decision making in the context of subject gateways.

The continued existence of a gateway depends ultimately on a sound business model with assured income. The wider aspects of business planning and marketing will be dealt with elsewhere. Issues relating to system requirements and scalability are also dealt with in more detail in other chapters. In this chapter we will relate planning and decision making to the specific areas of software, hardware and content.

Cross reference
System requirements overview, Scalability


Different gateways will have different strategic objectives which will be expressed in the key characteristics of the services they provide and the level of innovation to which they aspire. Some gateways may wish to deliver services using the latest technology and to gain a reputation for introducing new features and incorporating the most recent software developments; other gateways may be more concerned with inter-working with legacy technology and content and may regard leading-edge technology as inappropriate. Some gateways will want to spend resources on research and development work, while others may want to identify reliable existing products.

Whatever the objectives of the gateway, some general principles can be identified which should inform decision making.

Key factors for decision making

The gateway's decisions regarding hardware, software or content must take into account various imperatives. Each gateway must identify its own specific criteria and these criteria will differ depending on the gateway's priorities. However, there are some generic principles underlying the process of decision making which may be considered to be common to all gateways:

1. Planning for change.

Search services are a growth area in the fluid Internet environment. This area is characterised by rapid shifts; new products are coming onto the market, new gateways are being set up and new technologies and standards are being developed. In addition the sectors in which gateways are working (education, libraries, knowledge industries) are also subject to change. Gateways need to be aware of new opportunities offered by change and be flexible enough to exploit them. In practical terms, this may mean delivering services to new audiences, incorporating new data structures, inter-working with services which may be based on different technologies. It may mean migrating to new systems, merging with other services, or taking on new service areas.

2. Decisions need to be based on criteria that are aligned with the gateway's strategic objectives.

The gateway's strategic objectives need to be realised in day-to-day decisions. This means that all staff in the gateway need to be aware of the objectives and how they relate to their own decisions. For example, the choice of hardware needs to be informed by plans for growth, the choice of software must take account of the costs of inter-working with other services and the choice of metadata standards depends on users' search requirements and on the cost limitations for metadata creation.

Cross reference
System requirements overview, Metadata formats

3. Taking account of the environment.

Decisions need to be informed by knowledge of the environment. Who are the ultimate users of the service and what are their requirements now? How will their needs change? What are the priorities of the investors (funding bodies) and how can they be influenced? Who are the competitors? What are the differentials that distinguish your gateway?

The gateway will need to be aware of the effect of changes in the environment so that it can position itself to take advantage of opportunities, for example in the following ways:

  • the system needs to adapt to new methods of data creation, new methods of service delivery
  • modular design so that the system can change incrementally


Sound decisions regarding system and content will contribute to future proofing the gateway. However, lasting success depends on many factors outside the control of the gateway itself. Future proofing needs to be seen as just one part of the wider strategic planning process which gateways need to undertake.


Chapter author: Rachel Heery

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