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Subject gateways should aim to describe the best resources that the Internet has to offer in their field and for their target audience. They need to:
Finding high quality resources on the Internet can be a time-consuming job - which of course, is exactly why gateways exist - to save the end-user some of the time and commitment required to discover and retrieve high quality information on the Internet. Locating resources to add to your gateway will require one of the biggest investments of staff time and effort, and so it is important to find efficient and effective methods of working at this task:
Resource discovery issues for gateway managers
Gateway managers will need to provide the systems and strategies to support efficient resource discovery within their team. Resource discovery is labour-intensive and efficient strategies can help to maximise the number of resources added to the gateway. This section suggests some of the systems that managers can put in place to support efficient resource discovery within the team:
1. Avoiding duplicated effort Duplicated effort can be wasted effort. There are issues of duplication:
Avoid duplication with other gateways It is worth finding out whether other gateways already describe Internet resources in your field. If there are other gateways you have to ask yourself whether it really makes sense to spend time and effort cataloguing the same resources twice. If existing gateways are already describing resources relevant to your users you should consider:
Avoid duplication within your team Time can be wasted if members of your team are all trawling the same sources. Consider developing a team strategy for resource discovery. For example by:
2. Find the right people for the job It will be financial and political considerations which determine whom you can take on to do the job of resource discovery, as with recruiting staff for cataloguing.
Volunteers? Pros: may be cheap and plentiful Cons: may be inconsistent and unreliable in their contribution and it may be difficult to find volunteers with the subject expertise to select the high quality resources you want Subject specialists? Pros: may know of the best sources to use to discover relevant resources for your gateway and should be able to assess resources effectively, given their subject knowledge. Cons: may be expensive, short of time, difficult to recruit and unable or unwilling to spend time cataloguing Librarians/information professionals? Pros: have training in selecting resources to meet the information needs of users and also may be able to catalogue resources in addition to selecting them, since they may have training in cataloguing/information retrieval issues. Cons: may be expensive/difficult to recruit
3. Provide training in resource discovery The Internet is always growing and changing, so there are always new tips and hints to be learned in Internet resource discovery - training staff can improve skills and effectiveness. Training may include:
4. Set up support systems for resource discovery staff The following are ideas for support systems for resource discovery staff:
5. Set up systems to encourage your user community to suggest resources Why not let the resources come to you! Encourage your users to send you details of any sites which they think should be added to the gateway. You will need:
Resource Discovery Strategies for Staff
Gateway staff do the 'leg work' for SOSIG users - joining the lists, monitoring the sites and doing the searches that many users do not have the time to do, filtering out items that are of poor quality or irrelevant to the users. It's easy to waste time when surfing the Internet - gateway staff need to develop efficient and effective strategies for locating high quality Internet resources. Some strategies are suggested below. Resource discovery tools and methods
1. Browsing strategies One of the richest sources of resources will be existing Web pages - especially authoritative ones in your field which list related or recommended resources. Trawling these sites is the equivalent of citation pearl-growing or snowballing, traditionally done by researchers looking for references - if they find one useful resource, they will follow the references from that resource to find others. Trawling home pages of known experts If you know of experts in your field, do a search to see if they have their own Web page. You may find that:
Bookmark any that look as if they may be developed over time, so that you can check them again in the future. Trawling organisational home pages Many organisations now have their own Web sites. These can be useful in two ways:
Consider which organisations are relevant to your audience and try to keep in touch with developments concerning them.
If you are creating a gateway for an academic audience then it can pay to monitor university Web pages. Look for:
Trawling subject-based sites Many sites have a section of 'links' which can be mined for new resources. The better quality the original site, the better the related links are likely to be:
2. Mailing lists and their archives Joining and monitoring email lists/checking mailing list archives People often use email lists to announce new resources they have made available on the Internet. You have two possible strategies here:
Subject-based lists If you can find a list that is relevant to your subject area and audience, you have a rich source. In the early days it's worth doing a search for relevant lists and asking colleagues to recommend them.
Generic email lists that announce new Internet sites A number of email lists exist to alert people to new Internet sites. Be warned - these lists can be prolific! 3. Distribution lists and current awareness services Internet current awareness services come in different forms and are becoming more sophisticated. Free email subscription services will send you updates, bulletins and email publications on a regular basis. It may be worth subscribing to services that are run by key individuals or organisations in your subject area. Other services are emerging where you can create your own personal profile on the Web, which the service then uses to email you incoming information that is likely to interest you.
4. Search tools Searching the Internet can be time-consuming, since many of the search tools retrieve huge numbers of hits which take a lot of time to work through. However, searching can be a good strategy in some cases:
In our experience, search engines can be a waste of time if broad search terms such as 'social psychology' are used. Highly focused searching based on known sources, however, can be fruitful. For example, if you have a list of well-respected journals or organisations in your field, you could search for them by name, to see whether they have a presence on the Internet. A number of hints for finding the leads for focused searching are recommended:
Search Engines These are good for finding LOTS of information and for finding very precise pieces of information (so if you know exactly what you're after they can be very effective).
Be aware that search engines change over time and that different ones are more effective for searching for different types of information - do some research to find the best one for your needs. Bookmark complex searches so that you can run them again periodically to see if anything new has appeared.
5. Newsgroups and discussion forums Internet discussion forums are a powerful and fun way to communicate with people around the world who are interested in the same things as you. Thanks to the Internet's rapid growth and the exploding popularity of the World Wide Web, people from all walks of life now participate on a regular basis.
6. URL-minders and Web agents Some free Web services exist that help you to monitor changes made to Internet resources or to inform you of new sites that might interest you. You register the URLs of the sites you wish to monitor or search queries you would like to have done and the service sends you an email whenever a change is made to these resources or the search yields new results.
Remember that these are automated services and will not always yield high quality results.
7. Non-Internet sources You don't have to use the Internet to learn about Internet sites. Consider using non-Internet sources:
Issues for new gateways
New gateways may have different priorities for resource discovery from mature gateways as they will be focussing on developing a core collection very quickly. New gateways may want to consider the following issues:
Issues for mature gateways
Mature gateways will have already developed a core collection and may have widened their scope. Staff will need to adjust their resource discovery strategies in line with this. Mature gateways may consider the following issues:
DutchESS Dutch Electronic Subject Service |
College and University Home Pages (world-wide), http://www.rirr.cnuce.cnr.it/universities/univ.html Dejanews, http://www.dejanews.com/ The Directory of Scholarly and Professional E-Conferences, http://www.n2h2.com/KOVACS/ DutchESS, http://www.konbib.nl/dutchess/ EEVL, http://www.eevl.ac.uk/ EUNI - List of European Universities, http://www.ensmp.fr/~scherer/euni/euni_list.html The Informant, http://informant.dartmouth.edu/ Library and Related Sources, http://www.exeter.ac.uk/~ijtilsed/lib/wwwlibs.html Liszt, http://www.liszt.com/ Mailbase, http://www.mailbase.ac.uk/ Mind-it, http://mindit.netmind.com/ NewJour: Recent Issues, http://gort.ucsd.edu/newjour/nj2/ Search Engine Corner, http://www.ariadne.ac.uk/issue19/search-engines/ Search Engine Watch, http://searchenginewatch.com/ Manchester Metropolitan University's Department of Information and Communications Search Tools, http://www.mmu.ac.uk/h-ss/dic/main/search.htm The Social Science Research Grapevine, http://www.grapevine.bris.ac.uk/ SOSIG, http://www.sosig.ac.uk What's New in WWW Social Sciences Online Newsletter, http://www.mmu.ac.uk/h-ss/dic/main/search.htm 'What's New' on the Web server of the European Union, http://europa.eu.int/geninfo/whatsnew.htm A. S. McNab & I. R. Winship, How to find out about new resources on the Internet, The New Review of Information Networking (1995), 147-53. Association of Public Data Users and International Association for Social Science Information Service and Technology (IASSIST), Strategies for Searching for Information on the Internet. TERENA & M. Isaacs, Internet Users' Guide to Network Resource Tools, Addison Wesley Longman: 1998 E. Worsfold, Finding Internet resources for SOSIG - strategies and sources, 1997 |
Chapter author: Emma Place |
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