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Registrations for
the conference

CUC 2014 - The Movie

Take a look at
CUC 2014 movie!

Keynote Speakers


Dr. Kyle L. Peck, Professor of Education at Penn State University and Co-Director of the Center for Online Innovation in Learning (COIL)

Plenary lecture: The Perfect Storm:  How Technologies and Trends are Reinventing the Future of Education


Branko Radojević, pomoćnik ravnatelja CARNeta za računalno-informacijske sustave i servise

Plenary lecture: Dobar, loš, zao oblak?


Joe Sheik, Principal of University Heights Public School, Thames Valley Public School London, Ontario,  Canada

Plenary lecture: Reimagining the Future Classroom  by Journeying  Through Time


Dragan Gašević, Professor and Chair in Learning Analytics and Informatics in the Moray House School of Education and the School of Informatics at the University of Edinburgh

Plenary lecture: What’s up with learning analytics? Boris Jokić, Voditelj radne skupine, znanstveni suradnik na Institutu za društvena istraživanja

Plenary lecture: Cjelovita kurikularna reforma u Republici Hrvatskoj - (ne)mogućnost stvarne promjene

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