CUC 2004 / New Frontiers / New Techhnologies for New Needs
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Be free to choose the e-learning tool that suits you best! / H5
Authors: Tamara Forza, Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computing, Zagreb, Croatia; Andreja Pravdić, Center for Children, Youth and Family, Velika Gorica, Croatia


Since every professor has a personal approach to teaching and sometimes experiments with unique and different teaching activities, it is generally a challenging task to choose a suitable e-learning tool for him. This presentation will show how Five Perspectives of Good Teaching by Dr. Daniel D. Pratt correlate with the most important functionalities of e-learning tools, and what to look for when choosing the optimal tool for a professor to achieve his teaching goals.

During the presentation we are going to explain every Perspective of Good Learning by Dr. Daniel D. Pratt and show the positive and negative characteristics of each one. We are going to indicate which are the most suitable e-learning tools for a properly implementation of every Pratt’s perspective in the e-education.

The goal of this presentation is to introduce the participants with the Dr. Pratt’s theory of Good Learning in order that they find themselves in one or more perspectives and see the benefits of their manners of teaching. After that we want to show them which e-learning tools are the most appropriate to implement their own methods in the e-education in order to improve their capabilities.

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