CUC 2004 / New Frontiers / New Techhnologies for New Needs
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Best Paper and Presentation

The Best Presentation Contest was designed to encourage participants to actively follow the sessions at the Conference and criticize and evaluate lectures they had attended. Evaluation forms were anonymous. Speakers at the Conference were thus provided with honest feedback and evaluation of their work and presentation by their colleagues and users.

Each participant was given a questionnaire which s/he filled in and evaluated each presentation in two categories: The Best Presentation on the Conference and The Best Paper (quality of work).

In the category "The Best Presentation", participants evaluated the clarity and quality of the presentation, use of multimedia, attractiveness of the presentation.

In the category "The Best Paper (quality of work)" participants evaluated the quality of the work/project, idea behind it, its usefulness etc.

According to the votes of participants the following presentations were awarded:

The Best Paper (quality of work)

A Paradigmatic Shift from ''Assessment of Learning'' to ''Assessment for Learning"

Authors: Sunčana Kukolja Taradi, Milan Taradi, K. Radić, Zagreb School of Medicine, Croatia, Reference Center for Self-assessment and Assessment in e-Learning

The Best Presentation on the Conference

Comparison of Audio Codecs Using PEAQ Algorithm

Authors: Marija Šalovarda, Ivan Bolkovac, Hrvoje Domitrović, Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computing, University of Zagreb, Zagreb

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