CUC 2004 / New Frontiers / New Techhnologies for New Needs
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The E-learning Academy / C5
Authors: Dragana Kupres, CARNet, Croatia; Kristijan Zimmer, Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computing, University of Zagreb, Croatia; Jasenka Gojšić, CARNet, Croatia; Slavko Krajcar, Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computing, University of Zagreb, Croatia; Petar Pervan, Institute of Physics, Zagreb, Croatia; Predrag Pale, Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computing, University of Zagreb, Croatia; Daliborka Pašić, CARNet, Croatia; Jasna Tingle, CARNet, Croatia
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E-learning Academy is organized within CARNet’s educational centre Edupoint, and consists of three certificate programmes aiming at different target user groups: Management in E-learning, E-learning Tutor and Instructional/Course Design.

Programmes are developed in the cooperation with University of British Columbia, Distance Education & Technology Unit. Programmes will be delivered online through a period of nine month (two semesters), and beside that three f2f workshops will be organized.

Programme Management in E-learning provides knowledge and skills needed for effective implementation of e-learning in HE in Croatia. It is aiming at mid-level management and administration in HE institutions which are in early phase of implementation of e-learning or they have just started with tehcnology implementation projects.

Programme for E-learning Tutors is aiming at professors and teachers in the online environment who are delivering courses with support of IT.

Instructional/Course Design Programme is aiming to future authors of online educational content and teaching activities in online environment and to the support staff.

Each certificate is composed of 7- 9 individual modules, with several of the modules shared between the different certificates, like Introduction to E-learning, Teaching and Learning, Selecting and Using Technology.

Dragana Kupres, Croatian Academic and Research Network - CARNet, Marohniceva bb, 1000 Zagreb, Croatia, E-mail:
Kristijan Zimmer, B.Sc.E.E., Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computing, University of Zagreb, Unska 3, 10000 Zagreb, Croatia. E-mail:
Jasenka Gojšić, B.Sc.E.E., MBA, Croatian Academic and Research Network - CARNet, Marohniceva bb, 1000 Zagreb, Croatia, E-mail:
Prof. Slavko Krajcar, Ph. D., Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computing, University of Zagreb, Unska 3, 10000 Zagreb, Croatia. E-mail:
Predrag Pale, M. Sc., Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computing, University of Zagreb, Unska 3, 10000 Zagreb, Croatia. E-mail:
Daliborka Pašić, Croatian Academic and Research Network - CARNet, Marohniceva bb, 1000 Zagreb, Croatia, E-mail:
Jasna Tingle, Croatian Academic and Research Network - CARNet, Marohniceva bb, 1000 Zagreb, Croatia, E-mail:

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