of the Contest
About the Web Festival
Web Festival is a special event within the CARNet Users Conference -
CUC 2002. Through the Web Festival the organizers want to improve the
quality and expand the Croatian Web information space.
Web Festival provides the authors with an opportunity to present their
work and compare it with the work of their competitors, at the same
time allowing the general public to evaluate the best achievements.
CUC 2002 Web Festival Topic
This year the Web Festival will be a competition for the best unofficial
Web site created as a result of enthusiasm of an individual or a smaller
group of authors guided by the idea of promoting on the Web a certain
idea or topic familiar to the author and of interest to the wider public.
The organizer has defined three categories of Web sites:
site which presents the geographical entity:
This category includes non-commercial Web sites that represent,
for instance, a country, region, city, town, place, district, lake,
sea, river, island, natural attractions, etc. Web sites that cannot
take part in the competition are all the official Web sites, as
well as those that have been financed in a similar way (e.g. official
city sites, tourist associations, agencies, etc.).
site which presents a social group:
This category includes Web sites which informally present to the
public, for instance, a class, sport community, religious community,
society, organization, association, etc. Web sites that cannot take
part in the competition are the official sites as well as the commercially
oriented or sponsored sites (e.g. official sites of the registered
companies or societies of citizens, schools, and faculties).
site which presents activities and phenomena:
This category covers Web sites that present to the wider public
hobbies or interests of the author or a group of authors, such as
sport, excursions, etc. In accordance with the defined criteria,
official or commercial Web sites cannot take part in the competition.
Personal home pages do not take part in the competition since their
topic does not comply with the rules prescribed by the Rules.
There are no restrictions regarding physical location of the registered
Web sites.
Conditions and Application
General conditions for the application of the Web site are the following:
- the
Web site may be entered for the competition only by a natural person,
a Croatian citizen or member of the Croatian diaspora,
- the
Web site may be entered for the competition only by the (co)author
or the owner
- the
language used at the entered Web site has to be Croatian or English,
- one
person can enter only one Web site,
- one
Web site can be entered for competition only in one category.
If the
Web site does not fulfill the mentioned conditions, the Jury has the
right to disqualify the Web site from further competition. The jury
will tend to solve all the problematic situations in compliance with
the objectives of the Web Festival Organization.
Although they can take part in the Festival, the prizes and awards cannot
be granted to Web sites entered by:
- members
of the Jury,
- Program
Committee or Organizing Committee of the CUC 2002 Conference,
- CARNet
- employees
in the managing positions or persons sharing ownership rights in companies
sponsoring the Conference, and
- family
members of any of the groups mentioned above.
Competition Deadlines
Candidates can apply for the CUC 2002 Web Festival starting from the
day the Rules have been accepted until and including 6 September 2002.
Registration can proceed exclusively via Web. The URL of the registration
form is:
The Jury
will shortlist the candidates for the awards among the Web sites entered
for competition. The list of the selected Web sites will be published
at the Conference site on 16 September 2002.
On the
last day of the Conference, 27 September 2002, the Jury will nominate
the CUC 2002 Web Festival winner in each category, and two additional
Web sites in each category will be commended. Each will be awarded an
appropriate prize as well. The Jury has the right to alter the number
of awards according to the quality of Web sites in the competition.
The general
public will have the opportunity to vote via Conference Web site for
the winner of the "Users' Choice" award among the shortlisted
Web sites. Voting via Web will be opened on the day the Web sites shortlist
is published, and closed on the last day of the Conference, 27 September
2002 at 12 o'clock.
Memebers of the Official Jury
Marijana Glavica
Gordan Gledec
Aleksandra Imogen Ivir
Robert Rigo
Dario Susanj
Kristijan Zimmer