CUC 2004 / New Frontiers / New Techhnologies for New Needs
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How to use videoconferences in education? / WS1

Zlatko Jelačić; CARNet, Zagreb, Croatia

| Full paper | Presentation |


The focus of this workshop is room videoconferencing. Whether you are an experienced user of videoconferencing or just starting with the technology, this workshop will try to help you overcome the headaches of videoconferencing implementation and usage.

Session will consist of two parts:

A - How to organize and run a videoconference and
B - How to get the best out of it.

The first part will discuss the requirements for establishing a room videoconferencing system as well as what and who you need in order to perform it successfully. This includes a wide range of questions, varying from when your own system needs to be established and which system is right for you, to what local support is necessary.

The second part of this workshop will try to give some directions on how to run a successful videoconference, how to prepare yourself for it and how to make the most of technology.


The participants should leave the workshop with a clear vision regarding:

  • differences between desktop and room videoconferencing (as well as streaming);
  • when to use VC;
  • what is needed to establish a videoconferencing system;
  • how to use technology to make the most of it
  • how to prepare yourself to do so
  • how to behave on distance lectures and meetings
  • is it really working for what I need?

Target audience:

  • videoconferencing end users
  • videoconferencing support persons
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