CUC 2004 / New Frontiers / New Techhnologies for New Needs
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Deploying multimedia materials and creating advanced quiz assignments with Web CT / T1
Authors: Ivica Matotek, D. Podhorski, CARNet, Croatia
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We will use our experience in usage of WebCT tool in deploying multimedia materials and creating advanced quiz assignments to show how to solve problems that we encounter, such as converting questions from MS Word, deploying different types of materials and some others. In the workshop we will use advanced features of WebCT to explain in detail every aspect of quiz settings and creating attractive courses by usage of multimedia materials.

Experience in deploying materials and general WebCT usage is a must for all participants.

Targeted audience:
1. Teachers in higher education who use WebCT
2. Other users of WebCT

Workshop benefits:
1. How to deploy multimedia materials
2. How to use advanced quiz assignments
3. How to create efficient and attractive courses

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