CUC 2004 / New Frontiers / New Techhnologies for New Needs
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Internet standards and future development
Harald Alvestrand; CISCO, Norway
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This talk will discuss the process of creating standards on the Internet. Current status and future perspectives in Internet standardisation arena will be examined. The core Internet standards have been created through the Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF). The IETF is unique among standards organizations in being an open organization with individuals, not companies or countries, as participants. The IETF way of working has proved remarkably effective in the past. This talk will discuss some of the factors that allowed the IETF to be successful in the past, some of the issues that it is currently facing, and how it hopes to continue to be effective without losing its basic character.


Harald Alvestrand was born in Norway in 1959, and graduated from the Norwegian Institute of Technology (NTH) in 1984. He has worked for Norsk Data, UNINETT (the University Network of Norway), EDB Maxware and, since 2000, for Cisco Systems. His current title is Cisco Fellow. He has been active in Internet standardization since 1991, and has written a number of RFCs. He has been an area director of Applications and of Operations & Management in the IETF, as well as a member of the IAB, and is currently serving as IETF Chair.

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