CUC 2004 / New Frontiers / New Techhnologies for New Needs
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Authors: Hrvoje Hribar, Miron Sršen
| Full paper | Presentation |


This project is Internet searchable multiply indexed database which serves information about Croatian film in an easy way. All entries are meant to be accompanied by multimedia for better insight of the particular database entry. All data in the database is cross linked which gives user the ability to browse through the data, and follow the work of people or institutions throughout the timeline.

This is work in progress. Therefore database is constantly fulfilling its contents in order to be more and more precise and up to date. Content of this project is free to access. Graphical user interface is intuitive and easy to use.

Special care was attended to data collecting and categorizing. First entry is movie from year 1917, the beginning of the Croatian movie history, and it goes up to this moment. This project also includes additional sections: News section, in which user can find news about the movie related subjects; Online cinema, section in which user can watch complete movies; Movie script contest; Movie music, section about sound, music and movie themes.

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