A student's book is an educational material for learning which, beside
language, ethical, art, graphic and technical standards, must meet the
following requirements:
Psychological requirements which should:
- develop the motivation for learning
- develop independent learning and research
- point out important topics and facts
- point out the importance of searching for the information
- ask questions
- point out the application of gained knowledge and skills in problem
Didactical – methodical requirements
To make learning a rounded-off process, every educational material must
consist of the following psychological – didactical steps:
- a preparation for learning
- learning of materials
- revision and exercising
- systematisation
- application and checking the knowledge
Interactive multimedia digital materials, except for the mentioned
ones, should include all disposable possibilities which the application
of ICT offer in the fulfilment of psychological and didactical – methodical
In the continuation of work it has been described how the psychological
and didactical – methodical requirements have been realized in making
of one interactive multimedia digital material by the application of
1. What is IDiMaSU?
IDiMaSU is a short name for the example of Interactive Multimedia Digital
Material for Self – Learning.
2. What is the purpose of IDiMaSU?
The purpose of IDiMaSU is to show how an efficacious educational material
should look like; i. e. which parts should be included in it and which
methods should be applied with the use of ICT.
It deals with a mathematical topic “Proportionality and Reversed Proportionality
and Percentage and Interest Account”.
3. What are the parts of IDiMaSU?
IDiMaSU consists of several units: Introduction, Explanation, Exercises,
Review and the Checking of Knowledge, which represent didactical – methodical
steps (elements) in the learning process. All parts are mutually connected
and form a rounded-off unit which serves for the acceptance of teaching
stuff in the topic: Proportionality and Reversed Proportionality and
Percentage and Interest Account.
4. How have the parts of IDiMaSU with the application of ICT
been made?
In making the parts of IDiMaSU various interactive and multimedia solutions
have been used, such as:
- the possibility of getting the return information in making the questions
and tasks
- the possibility of changing parts of questions and tasks
- the use of applet in showing and solving the problems
- the use of animation and films in the presentation of materials
- the possibility of survey and broadening of materials and information
- the possibility of cooperation through interactive forms
In the preparation for learning (Introduction)
Psychological and didactical – methodical requests have been achieved
by the application of multimedia elements: a text, a picture, a sound,
animation and a film. The purpose of this unit is to develop motivation
for learning and to make the preparation for further learning of each
unit: Proportions and Ratios, Proportionality and Reversed Proportionality,
Percentages and Interest Account. This has been achieved by a method
of “problem learning”, which is based on a fact that the concrete problem
has been imposed to the user (a student), where the purpose of learning
of the set theme has been clearly visible.
The learning of materials (Explanation)
The purpose of this unit is to learn materials in each theme: Proportions
and Ratios, Proportionality and Reversed Proportionality, Percentages
and Interest Account. To learn this unit successfully by the application
of ICT, special methodical solutions have been applied.
To learn this unit, the method of “programmed learning” has been used
in IDiMaSU. According to this method, the learning process goes on in
several steps, with explanations and questions connected to the problems.
This way of learning encourages the users (students) to learn independently,
to spot important notions, to check the hypotheses and to conclude.
To apply this method successfully, it has been necessary to achieve
the possibility of obtaining the return information, i. e. to check
the correctness of the solutions to the questions and / or the examples
(true – false).
For that purpose, special functions have been programmed, by which the
possibility of obtaining the return information (a feedback) has been
achieved. By the mentioned functions the possibility of changing the
parameters of the questions and whole tasks has been achieved.
To achieve other psychological and didactical – methodical requirements,
interactive and multimedia elements, such as: a text, applets, a pictures,
a sound, animations and films, have been applied.
Due to the existing differences among users (students), it is recommended
methodically to have more levels of learning.
The materials in IDiMaSU have been selected into two levels. Level I
is easier and dedicated to all users (students), while Level II (for
those who want to learn more) is dedicated to those who want to broaden
their knowledge in a specific theme.
Repetition and exercising the materials (Exercises)
In this unit the application of programmed IDiMaSU functions distinguishes
itself very much. They enable the change of parameters of the tasks
and whole tasks, with the confirmation of correctness (true – false).
By the application of the method of change of tasks and of parameters
of tasks, the possibility of endless exercising the problems from specific
unit (Proportions and Ratios, Proportionality and Reversed Proportionality,
Percentages and Interest Account) has been achieved, with the elimination
of the effect “learn by heart”. The exercises have been sorted out into
two levels according to their difficulty: Level I is intended to be
for everybody, and Level II (for those who want to know more).
The systematisation of materials (A review)
This unit is meant for the review of the learned material. Except for
the learned materials, it gives the review of formulas, definitions
and symbols. In making the review, except hyper - textual documents,
the animations, crosswords and jigsaw puzzles have been used.
This unit contains links (connections) to the other materials in Croatia
and the world, which are connected with each theme separately (Proportions
and Ratios, Proportionality and Reversed Proportionality, Percentages
and Interest Account).
The application and checking of knowledge (the checking of knowledge)
To make the learning process complete, it is necessary to make the qualitative
checking of the learned materials (the checking of knowledge) after
learning and exercising the materials. The checking of knowledge for
each theme separately consists of several checking of difficulty. The
tests are organized from the easier to more difficult one, respecting
the differences among pupils.
For making the tests the programmed functions of IDiMaSU have been used,
by which the changeability of parameters of tasks and whole tasks has
been achieved.
By changing the parameters and tasks, the need of the student to get
the check of the same difficulty, but different tasks in testing his
knowledge, has been achieved. The effect of learning the tasks by heart
has been eliminated, whereby the high level of quality of testing the
knowledge has been achieved.
5. What makes IDiMaSU different from the existing digital materials
on Web?
In search for similar educational materials nothing similar has been
found on Web. Neither the complete educational material, (with all psychological
and didactical – methodical elements fulfilled), has been found, and
therefore the comparison couldn’t be done.
But, taking in consideration what the student’s book as a teaching material
should have, and taking in consideration the possibilities which could
be achieved by ICT in the realisation of the same material, IDiMaSU
is a special and different from the existing educational materials on
Web because:
- it represents the rounded – off didactical – methodical unit which
deals with a mathematical theme Proportionality and Reversed Proportionality,
as well as the Percentage and Interest Account in an interactive and
multimedia way.
- it uses new, interactive and multimedia methods and ways in the learning
process (applets, films, the possibility of obtaining the return information,
the change of questions and the tasks in the process of exercising and
checking the knowledge, interactive forms for cooperation).
6. Conclusion
Although all primary and secondary schools in the Republic of Croatia
have a certain number of computers and the access to Internet, still
in the majority of schools the traditional ways of learning have been
IDiMaSU is an example which shows how to make the effective educational
material with the use of ICT, which could be applied in the teaching
process for enlargement and improving the existing ones, and in the
development of new methods and ways of learning, teaching and testing
the knowledge.
1. IDiMaSU Web site: www.tssibenik.hr/idimasu
2. “Udžbenički standard”; Ministry of Education and Sports; NN br.63,
April. 2003.
My name is Saida Deljac. In 1991 I graduated of the University of Zagreb
at the Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computing, a branch of
Telecommunications and Computer Sciences. I work as a teacher of Computer
Sciences and Computer Sciences in civil engineering in the Technical
School in Šibenik. On the CUC2000 I presented a paper work “New Possibilities
Internet Offers in Education” and on the CUC2001 "Programming League
- A competition in Computer Sciences". In September 2003 in cooperation
with CARNet and my colleagues I started an educational pilot-project:
An Example of Interactive-Multimedia Self Paced Learning Digital Content
on the Theme of Proportionality and Reversed Proportionality and Percentages
and Interest Account. I am interested in studying the possibilities
of learning by Web and applied of educational digital contents in process
of learning in Croatian schools.
Email: sdeljac@tssibenik.hr
Web: www.tssibenik.hr/sdeljac