The Role of Directories in emerging network technology

abstract | author | presentation

Peter Gietz, DAASI International, Germany

Peter Gietz, CEO of DAASI International GmbH, has an MA in social sciences and was active in the field of IT since 1985. He is internationally recognized as an directory expert, with core expertise in X.500, LDAP, PKI, Metadata and ontologies. Since 1994 he worked for DFN Directory projects, which he lead in the last phases. From 1998 to 1999 he worked for DANTE (Delivery of Advanced Network Technology for Europe), Cambridge, where he was responsible for the NameFLOW project and maintained the root of the international X.500 Directory. He was involved in the directory activities of the EU funded project DESIRE II. He was member of a governmental working group for defining a catalogue of measures for the German Digital Signature legislation. He is active member in the Teletrust working group 7 on PKI and chairman of the international research working group TERENA Task Force LDAP Service Deployment as well as member of the newly founded technical advisory board for the Internet2 directory activities MACE-Dir.

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