GRID for Scientific and Economic devolopment of Croatia

abstract | author | presentation

Karolj Skala is a Senior Scientist at the Ruder Boškovic Institute, head of laboratory in Electronic Division and Computer Center. From 1989. lecturer at Zagreb University, the postgraduate courses in the Electrical Engineering and Computing Faculty he teaches Programmable logic devices. At the Graphical Faculty he lectures on Optoelectronics Systems. He holds various scientific and technical seminars. Chairmen of the international scientific symposium Multimedia and hypermedia systems. He is a member of the ICOMT programme committee (Croatian representative). He also represents Croatia in the EUROMICRO association. Member of the MIPRO and ELMAR programme committees, and a member of the AACE and IEEE associations. National coordinator in the European Community project COST 276. He is a member of Croatian Academy of Technical Science. Associate member of Hungary Academy of Science.

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