A Method for the Remote LAN Management

abstract | author | presentation | paper

Alen Bazant, Vedran Salinovic, Tihomir Babic

Alen Bazant is assistant professor on the Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computing, University of Zagreb. He is with the Department of Telecommunications on the faculty. He is involved in many projects, like seminars “Network Architectures” organized for participants from Ericsson Nikola Tesla d.d., applications WLAN SNMPMan Suite and IPNet Suite developed in cooperation with Siemens d.d., General plan of the Croatian Electricity (HEP d.d.) new telecommunication network and Telemedicine in Croatia. He published more than thirty scientific papers on domestic and international conferences and is co-author of the book “Introduction to ATM”. His main area of interest is data link layer and multiple access protocols applications in local and metropolitan networks.

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