Virtual People in a Computer World

abstract | author | presentation | paper

Sarajko Baksa

Born in Cakovec in 1968. Associate degree in textiles got in Varazdin in 1991 and BSc from the Faculty of Textile Technology, University of Zagreb, in 1995.
His first employment was production manager in the company of Bratusa Sport in Cakovec, then in Varteks, Varazdin, as a person in charge of computerising garment technologies. Since 1997 employed at the Faculty of Textile Technology, Zagreb. Published a number of research papers, computer applications, research studies and gave a number of professional lectures. Mr. Baksa is the author of the first Croatian virtual fashion show.
His scientific and professional activities are mostly concerned with the application of contemporary computerised production technologies, virtualisation and presentation of computer-generated textiles and garment wearing behaviour, as well as the behaviour of computer-generated textile and garment in virtual environment.

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