

Call for papers

Dear CUC friends, CUC 2024: AI in Education – A New Beginning or the Beginning of an End, this year

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Marijana Pezelj

CUC 2024: AI in Education – A New Beginning or the Beginning of an End” brings key future topics, ideas, and reflections on everything technology brings to life and education this year. Some times are more challenging than others, sometimes technological progress is faster than our ability to adopt and adapt. That’s why we strive to explore the possibilities of new technologies, offer solutions, and consider all aspects that artificial intelligence brings to education.

Chairwoman of the Program Committee CUC 2024

*The image is generated by an AI-model

Themes and sub-themes

  • Education about artificial intelligence
  • New curricula in response to new challenges
  • The BrAIn project as a support for the application of digital technologies in education
  • Application of artificial intelligence in various areas
  • How is artificial intelligence regulated?
  • How can humanists be part of the development of artificial intelligence?
  • In what ways can artificial intelligence support the development of skills such as critical thinking, problem-solving, and creativity?
  • Moral dilemmas about the use of artificial intelligence in education. Should it be introduced, how and when to introduce artificial intelligence into the education process?
  • Privacy and security in education
  • Principles of responsible learning and teaching using AI-based tools
  • How to use artificial intelligence to improve society?
  • How does artificial intelligence affect students’ perception of the world?
  • Redefining the role of teachers with the introduction of artificial intelligence
  • Personalization of learning through artificial intelligence
  • Pitfalls and potentials of applying artificial intelligence in student evaluation
  • AI-based systems in evaluation and self-evaluation
  • Will the use of artificial intelligence for lesson preparation help teachers? Will teaching be better or worse?
  • Improving teaching skills through adaptive learning
  • How to recognize student papers generated with artificial intelligence?
  • Online laboratories and tools for interactive learning
  • New teaching strategies appropriate for AI society
  • Artificial intelligence as a help and support for students with disabilities
  • Artificial intelligence as a challenge and stimulus for gifted students
  • Artificial intelligence as a help and stimulus for immigrant students
  • The importance and necessity of digital accessibility of websites, software solutions, and educational content
  • Application of assistive technology in education and everyday life. The impact of assistive technology and artificial intelligence on teachers – aid or obstacle?
  • Improving inclusion with technology – reality or myth?
  • Development and application of technology for the needs of children and adults with disabilities.
  • Sources of knowledge and examples of good practice in working with students with disabilities and gifted students using virtual and augmented reality, artificial intelligence, 3D printing, etc.
  • Sources of knowledge and examples of good practice in improving social inclusion with artificial intelligence.
  • Examples of good practice in using equipment procured through the e-Schools project. What do technical support experts use and what are their needs? What do technical support experts use and what are their needs?
  • What are Cloud providers and how are they used?
  • High-performance computing
  • Sustainability and recycling
  • Computer infrastructure monitoring
  • New applications and school websites
  • Safety first / NetSecComp
  • Use of mobile phones and social networks outside of school among children and adolescents
  • The influence of playing video games on motivation, patience, creativity and concentration in children and adolescents
  • Social networks – meaningful use or waste of time
  • The impact of playing video games on motivation, patience, creativity, and concentration in children and adolescents
  • The role of the family in access to technology and education
  • Technology as a substitute for upbringing
  • Technology and socio-emotional development
  • Development of new methods, techniques, and e-learning tools
  • Teacher training programs on new technologies and their application in teaching
  • Development of educational applications that support the curriculum
  • Development and use of digital textbooks and interactive materials
  • Hybrid teaching
  • Lifelong learning and interdisciplinarity
  • Responses to labour market demands. Problems of certificates, micro-qualifications, and courses as a substitute for formal education
  • The future of work and artificial intelligence

Submission Formats

The submission for an interactive presentation should contain examples from practice: the use of a new tool or program, innovative teaching methods, and the like. It is necessary to vividly present a specific tool, program, method, and available data with a special emphasis on user experience. It is possible to show work on a project that has not yet resulted in final data and conclusions.

In addition to exchanging ideas and interacting with participants, the interactive presentation also uses a PowerPoint presentation.

The time allotted for an interactive presentation is 15 minutes. This time includes audience questions.

One review of the papers will be conducted. The publication date of the review results will be announced later.

The submission should include answers to the following questions:

  • What is the goal of using the technology presented by the interactive presentation?
  • If the topic of your interactive presentation is, for example, the use of a certain digital tool, explain the new functionalities in the tool, how it contributes to learning and stimulating skill development, what challenges and problems it solves, and why you use this particular tool.
  • What are the expected (preferably measurable) outcomes of the activity carried out?
  • A brief description of the tool/program/method?
  • Why was this tool/program/method chosen and what is solved by its use?
  • What are the lessons learned?
  • What problems did you encounter and how did you solve them? What was good and what was not in the application of the tool/program/method and how to improve them?
  • What are the plans for the future? How will you use the tool/program/method in the future, considering the experience you have gained?

This year, we are introducing the obligation to upload a teaser video for all authors who register an interactive presentation. It is about the so-called teaser or video bait, which is a shortened version of the presentation at the conference. The video bait shows the authors and gives an introduction to the topic they plan to present at the conference. In this way, the Program Committee will gain an insight into the presentation method as well as the relevance of the topic and its contribution to the conference.

Before starting the recording of the video bait, we advise you to turn the mobile phone horizontally and then start recording. The requested video format is mp4, the minimum video duration is 2, and the maximum is 3 minutes.

Submitting a video: We recommend that you upload the video to Google Drive or OneDrive and enter the download link in the “Video Bait” field in the job submission form.

The workshop is a format in which the author presents and transfers knowledge to participants who actively and practically participate.

The duration of the workshop is 90 minutes. Questions from the audience are also included during the performance.

  • State the learning outcomes for workshop participants (present from the perspective of the participants): What will participants learn/master/be able to do after attending the workshop. For example, after attending a Moodle workshop, participants will be able to: log in, review materials, use the forum and calendar, and submit a task.
  • Define target groups: Who is the workshop intended for? What is the profile of the expected participants?
  • Define the necessary prior knowledge of workshop participants: What previously acquired knowledge, skills, or experiences are necessary?

BoF is a form of conference event that provides an informal environment for discussion on a topic that is common and interesting to a certain number of participants. Unlike presentations, round tables or workshops which are usually more strictly structured, BoFs are an opportunity for informal discussion in which everyone can equally participate and contribute their thoughts, ideas, experiences, and suggestions. That is why we invite you to equally participate in the design of the program with your topic suggestions for discussion.

We are looking forward to a joint deliberation!

  • Define the title, significance, and relevance of the topic/trend
  • Define the duration – 45 or 90 minutes
  • State the learning outcomes for BoF participants (show from the perspective of the participants): What will participants learn after participating in the discussion?
  • Define target groups: Who is the BoF intended for? What is the profile of the expected participants?
  • Suggest a discussion leader and explain how his expertise, knowledge, experience, and constructiveness, contribute to the discussion
  • State ways to encourage audience participation

Application deadline: 15. 1. 2024.