Submission formats

Interactive presentation 

The submission for the interactive presentation should contain examples from practice, such as the use of a new tool or program, innovative teaching methods, and the like. It is important to make a clear presentation of a specific tool, program, method, and available data with special emphasis on user experience. It is also possible to present work in progress that has not yet resulted in final data and conclusions.

In addition to exchanging ideas and interacting with participants, in the interactive presentation, one should use a PowerPoint presentation.

The estimated time for the interactive presentation is 20 minutes, and that time includes questions from the audience.

How to create a successful submission for an interactive presentation? 

The submission should include answers to the following questions:

  • what is the goal of using the technology presented by interactive presentation? If the topic of your interactive presentation is, for example, the use of a specific ICT tool, explain what is new in the tool, how it contributes to learning, what challenges and problems it solves (why use this tool), and how it encourages skills development.
  • what are the expected outcomes of the implemented activity?
  • brief description of tools/programs/methods?
  • why was this tool/program/method chosen and what problem did it solve?
  • what are the lessons learned? What problems did you encounter and how did you solve them? What was good and what was not in the application of tools / programs / methods and how to improve them?
  • what are the plans for the future? How will you use the tool/program/method in the future given the experience you have acquired?
  • keywords


The workshop is a format in which the author presents and transmits knowledge through various tools to participants who actively and practically participate.

Given that this year’s CUC conference will be held in a hybrid model, parts of the workshops will be available for online streaming. If your workshop can be attended by a large number of participants, please indicate this information in the submission and such a workshop will be open to online participants. 

The estimated time for the workshop is 90 minutes, and that time includes questions from the audience.

How to design a submission for a workshop? 

  • state the learning outcomes for the participants of the workshop (present from the perspective of the participants): What will the participants learn / master / be able to do after attending the workshop? For example, after attending a workshop on Moodle, participants will be able to: log in, view materials, use the forum and calendar, and submit a task.
  • define target groups: Who is the workshop for? What is the profile of the expected participants?
  • define the necessary prior knowledge of the workshop participants: What previously acquired knowledge, skills or experiences are necessary?
  • define the level of prior knowledge: basic, intermediate, or advanced?
  • determine the size of the group: What is the minimum number of registered participants below which the workshop will not take place? What is the maximum number of participants?
  • present the methods to be used:
    • lecture
    • presentation from the lecture computer
    • group work of participants, with or without the use of computers
    • individual work of participants, on the computer or without
    • some other form of work (which?)
  • keywords

Conference paper 

The conference paper discusses results and theories that are not necessarily original. The author can describe scientific results, as well as other experiences gained through work and projects in education, science, media, and information and communication technology.

The estimated time for the presentation of the conference paper is 15 minutes, and that time includes questions from the audience.

Selected papers will be considered for publication in the conference proceedings.

Open panel 

An open panel is a public debate in which the audience also participates.

The open panel submission should include:

  • the title of the open panel
  • speakers (it is necessary to list the panel moderator and panellists. The maximum number of panellists is four.)
  • predviđeno trajanje panela (moguće je odabrati opciju od 45 minuta ili 90 minuta)
  • learning outcomes for panel participants (outcomes need to be formulated from the participants’ perspective: What will the participants learn in the panel?)
  • defined target group (who is the panel intended for? What profile are the expected participants?)
  • required prior knowledge of panel participants (what previously acquired knowledge, skills or experience are necessary and/or important for attending the panel?)
  • required level of prior knowledge (basic/ intermediate/advanced)
  • keywords

Criteria for the evaluation of open panels:

  1. Current and up-to-date topic – is it a current problem?
  2. Contribution to the conference – will the panel make a significant contribution to the conference topics?
  3. Relevance of panellists – knowledge, experience, constructiveness, diversity in relation to the topic, institutional, geographical, and demographic characteristics (e.g. workplace, gender).
  4. Motivation and inspiration for the audience – do the panellists have the potential to influence the audience, does their CV prove that they have participated in similar events (e.g. panels, workshops, conferences).
  5. Approach – will the panellists allow for the inclusion of different perspectives and encourage audience participation?
  6. Clarity – the proposal should be clear, complete, and articulate.

Scientific paper 

For a successful submission of a scientific paper, the following is mandatory in the submission form.

  • fill in the fields General information, Topics, Summary of your application, Keywords, Authors, Author for communication with the organizers and Password
  • The time provided for the presentation of a scientific paper at the conference, which should include time for questions from the audience, is 30 minutes.


The title is the most read and most visible part of the paper because, together with the author’s name, it is published in the conference program. Based on the title, participants generally decide to attend a presentation or workshop. That is why it is very important that the title is short, concise, and interesting.

Two versions of the title appear in the application form:

  • the short title of the paper is the version of the title that will be published in the conference program and is mandatory. The maximum number of characters is 60.
  • a long title is an extended version of a short title. Entering a long title is not mandatory but offers an opportunity to convey the idea of the paper if this was not possible in the short title.