The Best Paper and Presentation Contest was designed to encourage
participants to actively follow the sessions at the Conference and
criticize and evaluate lectures they had attended. Evaluation forms
were anonymous.
Each participant was given a questionnaire which s/he filled in, evaluating
each presentation in two categories: The Best Presentation on the Conference
and The Best Paper (quality of work).
In the category The Best Presentation, participants evaluated the clarity
and quality of the presentation, use of multimedia, attractiveness
of the presentation.
In the category The Best Paper (quality of work), participants evaluated
the quality of the work/project, idea behind it, its usefulness etc.
According to the votes of participants the following presentations
were awarded:
Best paper
The School Network of Ante Kuzmanić Medical School in Zadar
as a Teacher Incentive to Use ICT
Author: Edin Kadić, Ante Kuzmanić Medical School in Zadar, Croatia
Best presentation
Computer Security: What We Have Learned
Author: Mladen Štifić, Zagreb Stock Exchange, Croatia