
A tool for adding Dublin Core metadata to Web pages

abstract | author | presentation | paper

GORDANA STOJSIC received her Diploma in Electrical Engineering from the Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computing, University of Zagreb, in 2002. Her research interests include Internet technologies and Java. This paper presents results from her undergraduate thesis, titled "Introducing metadata in the WWW site content".

IGOR LJUBI received his B. Sc. E.E. from the Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computing, University of Zagreb, in 1999. He has been working at the Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computing as an associate assistant since March 1999. His research interests include software engineering, mobile agents and WWW programming. He is involved in a CARNet project WWW.HR – Homepage of the Republic of Croatia since 1999. He is a member of the IEEE, and is actively involved in IEEE Student Branch Zagreb.

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