Communication Effectiveness and Subjective Aspects in Desktop Videoconferencing

abstract | author | presentation

Both the technological advances and the continuous dropping of prices resulted in the desktop videoconferencing systems accessible to the wide range of community. A stable objective governing the development of such systems has been to increase the extent to which this distance communication resembles the face-to-face communication.

Namely, it would be desirable if the videoconferencing systems, while transmitting the sound and picture, also succeed in transmitting the majority of the non-verbal communication signs that have importance in the human communication. For instance, these non-verbal signs comprise the facial expression, eye-fixation, body parts movements, posture, and outlook. Unfortunately, the previous reports show that the videoconferencing systems do not transmit the non-verbal signs to the extent necessary to satisfactory substitute a face-to-face communication. One of the major factors identified for causing the poor transmission of the non-verbal signs is the picture quality per se. This research project investigates the effect of the frame rate factor on the communication effectiveness in the desktop videoconferencing systems, as well as the different aspects of users' satisfaction with such systems. Additionally, the project identifies preferences in using the desktop videoconferencing systems with respect to the different types of tasks. Taking into account the obtained results, the authors offer some recommendations in using the desktop videoconferencing systems.

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