Goran Pisnjak
Goran Pisnjak
is employed with the Ministry of Science and Technology of the
Republic of Croatia, Directorate for Information Technology, Division
for Databases.
He participated
in the Svibor Project in activities related to development of
applications, help desk and data processing.
At present
he is also responsible for identifying deficiencies in the Program
and improvement of new versions of this application.
Igor Ivanic
Igor Ivanic
is a software developer and database expert with the Ministry
of Science and Technology. He worked for two years with mikroPROM
d.o.o., a firm that developed several solutions for the Ministry
of Science and Technology, including Svibor.
He was a principal
developer of the Svibor Project .
At present
he is also responsible for the implementation of the 128-bit Secure
Socket Layer security of Svibor and creating applications for
making gathered data accessible to users.