SVIBOR - Web application for collecting reports about the progress of scientific research projects

abstract | author | presentation

SVIBOR is a Web application for collecting reports about the progress of scientific research projects. The system was developed at the Ministry of Science and Technology of the Republic of Croatia using the clipper application and Word forms that were distributed on a floppy disk to our present Web application.

SVIBOR is composed of authenticity modules, ASP pages on NT server, data base on MS-SQL Server, and links with bibliography bases (at present only with Rudjer Boskovic Institute, Zagreb).

All principal investigators of scientific research projects financed by the Ministry have been granted access to protected information space by a user name and password. In the next stage the use of the base will be extended to all registered scientists, i.e. all scientists whose data are maintained in the base of the Ministry of Science and Technology (MST).

Data collected in the application are distributed into several categories: progress report, data on researchers, financial report, bibliography (a list of articles), and a contact address. Transactions are confirmed by TANs. Data collected in this manner facilitate updating of databases on projects financed by MST and the preparation of joint reports for Field Councils.

Our wish is to present this pioneering system in the state administration, share our experience and difficulties encountered in the preparation and application of the system, improvements that we plan to introduce based on our past experience and make contacts with similar projects.

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