Cyber Design Lab: A Work Platform for Collaboration and Learning

abstract | author | presentation | paper

Cyber Design Lab: A Work Platform for Collaboration and Learning
prof.dr.sc. Milan Kljajin, dipl.ing.str.
Zeljko Klindzic, dipl.ing.el.
mr.sc. Tomislav Galeta

An example of work platform realisation for collaboration and learning through the net.

This work shows experience during realisation of online platform model for asynchrony online collaboration professors and students at the Mechanical Engineering Faculty in Slavonski Brod - Dept. for Mechanical Engineering Design.

Online platform Cyber Design Lab contents information, documents and references which are useful for students and makes possible asynchrony communication of students and professors, learning from incorporated or exterior resources with knowledge testing, assistance of professors and active participation of students in construction of internal resources (construction of learning and knowledge base in collaboration).

Students can participate in the public or internal online publishing and they can publish their own professional papers.

Use of an online platform is much cheaper and simply, owning to the automated online tools for collaboration, communication and publishing. User needs only connection on Internet and which ever Internet browser.

The online platform Cyber Design Lab is using Workspace system, the original software product which is developed by a group of authors from Slavonski Brod. System is modular and scaleable, applicable on Internet or in local net - Intranet, and it is effective solution before implementing complex (and much expensive) solutions in the future.

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