New ways of police communication

abstract | author | presentation | paper

Stipe Ivanda, Ph.D., associate-degree college reader, lectures at the Police College in Zagreb, chair of Police Administrative Law. His courses are: Police Administrative Law and Border Control. He also lectures at the School of Administration in Zagreb. As the head of the Administration Department he has organized the computer data processing in the field of citizen's requests and administrative procedures within the competence of the Ministry of the Interior of the Republic of Croatia (citizenship, foreigners, weapons,residence and domicile, citizen registry number etc.)

Marijan Superina, M.A., assistant lecturer, lectures at the Police College in Zagreb, chair of Criminalistics. His courses are: Methodology in Criminalistics, Introduction to Criminalistics, Methods of Detection, Investigation and Case Presentation of Homicide and Sexual Offences. His research projects embrace syllogistic and heuristic criminalistics, detection procedures and algorithm for solving cases of homicide and sexual offences. He also researches the appliance of special scientific methods for collecting evidence during police inquiry. He has published a few scientific papers, books and scientific articles in Croatia and abroad.

Miroslav Baca, M.A lectures at the Police College in Zagreb, chair of Introduction to Computing Sciences. He has published a few scientific papers and professional articles and he was also the co-author of a textbook in his field. His interests are biometric characteristics of the persons in security services and computer crime.

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