Zeljko Klindzic
is a founder of SBOnLine Community and SBWebTeam - a group of
Web authors from Slavonski Brod. Currently employed by HT as system
Owner of a
design studio SBNET and 3 Web portals. From 1996, as author or
team leader, he participated in creation of online resources about
Slavonski Brod and Brodsko-posavska county, from radio station,
newspapers, schools, to city and county official Web sites. He
initiated several education programs about the Internet, developed
online collaboration platform and together with other authors
started joined online communities project "Putokazi ravnice".
On "CUC 2000" Web festival he received two awards for
SBNet.hr and SBOnLine portals.
Zarko Vuckovic
is the owner of the firm "Wolf", located in Pozega,
specialized in IT services. He presented his works on several
international conferences. His field of interest (and work) lies
in the field of UNIX, SQL, Oracle database management, and automated
data processing. He is the owner and Web developer of "Pozega
online" portal and co-author on the "Putokazi ravnice"
Jasmin Klindzic
is a student at Faculty of Philosophy in Zagreb. Main fields of
his work are Web development and education. Since 1995, he has
taught numerous courses and seminars on both computer and Internet
literacy to Croatian students. He is one of the authors of CARNet's
offical learning material, and CARNet approved lecturer. He is
also active on PR position in design studio SB NET from Slavonski
Brod, and works as Internet-based support at Target research agency.
Currently attending a local Cisco Academy of Networking Technologies
at CARNet.