To efficiently search for undiscovered
asteroids and to manage large quantities gathered data, an Oracle8
based database system known as "Visnjan Observatory Image Database
2" (V2) has been created. V2 system currently includes information
on approximately 90000 known asteroids and more than 25000 CCD
images gathered at Visnjan. Asteroid information includes information
of interest to the astronomical community (orbital elements, etc.)
as well as informational data more geared to the general public
(asteroid discovery circumstances, the discoverer, explanation
of asteroid's name, etc). To enable outside researchers and the
general public to remotely access the V2 data, a web interface
- V2 Web - has been created. It enables two-level customized access
to V2 data - a format specialized for general public, with more
emphasis towards education, and a more specialized access for
asteroid researchers. Also accessible is the searchable library
of CCD frames, which can be used for further study work by outside
researchers. V2 Web is currently in trial phase. Initial public
release is planned for late July 2000. at
First operational results (feedback from the users) will be presented
at the Conference. V2 system and V2 Web were created in cooperation
with CARNet through the "Visnjan Observatory Image Database 2"