CARNet public web usability testing
was CARNet internal project conducted as a part of new CARNet
public web development project with intention that its results
should be useful both to the developer team of the new public
web and to the company as a whole. Using different usability methods;
project team has collected valuable data about specific needs
and interests of CARNet web users and it has identified a number
of site-level and page-level usability flaws. Authors argue that
web usability testing is useful and should be applied due to following
reasons: Firstly, the usability report should be additional, valuable
information for the developer team of the new public web. Secondly,
developed methods and tools for web usability testing can be applied
to both public web and the company Intranet on regular basis,
bringing additional benefit both to the communication with its
clients and the organizational efficiency of the company. They
also argued that usable and useful web brings financial savings
due to fewer clients’ phone calls and queries to helpdesk service.