Znanstveno-istraživačka sekcija 

We are increasingly no longer in a world where digital technology and media is separate, virtual, ‘other’ to a ‘natural’ human and social life, and education is often at the forefront of these trends. Communities and research approaches engaged with technology and education tend to view the research field as concerned with the ‘effects’ of digital media and other technologies on the existing activities of teaching and learning in education. This still assumes a clear division between an authentic educational practice and the imposition of an external, and novel, technology. The rapid growth of research and books and articles dealing with education and research in and for the postdigital age calls for a different approach that is no longer based on a division but rather on an integration of education and technology. The postdigital approach meets that need.  

We invite contributions from a wide range of postdigital research themes and approaches including but not limited to:   

  • Postdigital theories and philosophies
  • Postdigital research methodologies
  • Education and automation
  • Big data and learning analytics
  • Educational assessment
  • Artificial Intelligences, neural networks, deep learning
  • Data, surveillance, and privacy
  • Networked learning
  • Postdigital mobilities
  • Postdigital (learning) spaces and places
  • Biopolitics and bioinformational capitalism
  • Biomodernity and viral modernity
  • Post-truth and fake news
  • Postdigital ecopedagogies
  • Sustainability and bioeconomy
  • Postdigital critical pedagogies
  • Education and democracy
  • Postdigital literacies
  • Critical disability studies
  • Decolonial, anti-imperialist, and anti-colonial studies and movements
  • Cultural and human geographies
  • Postdigital aesthetics and arts
  • Postdigital soundscapes (sonics, pedagogies, technologies)
  • Educational futures
  • Responsible science communication