Consulting Engineer, Cisco Systems
PAPER: The University of the Future
Universities now have unprecedented connectivity to the Internet and ICT has become of key importance to every educational institution. At the same time institutions are facing new challenges that arise because of the 'flattening of the world', the competition due to the disappearance of geographical boundaries for getting an education and because students are becoming increasingly critical consumers.
This presentation will outline a number of these new challenges that institutions are facing as well as discuss how networking may come to the rescue.
Klaas Wierenga works for Cisco as Consulting Engineer in the office of the CTO. Before joining Cisco, Klaas has worked for over 12 years at SURFnet focusing on mobility and identity & access management. He is the creator of eduroam and chair of the TERENA Taskforce on Mobility as well as a member of ECAM, the European committee for academic middleware. At Cisco he continues to work in the same interest areas, and with the NREN community.