Learning Management Systems - Love Them or Leave Them!
Kristijan Zimmer, Faculty of Electrical Engineering
and Computing, Croatia
The workshop will present some of the findings of the
Reference centre for evaluation of courseware and discuss different strategies
of choosing or developing an optimal LMS/LCMS.
For participants not familiar with Learning (Content)
Management Systems, some of the features of one of the leading Open Source
LCMS “Moodle” will be presented at the beginning of the Workshop.
Good and bad sides of three different, legitimate approaches will be critically
discussed: buying and using a commercial solution, adopting an Open Source
solution or developing a home-grown solution.
Participant will than go through a part of the list of
over 240 criteria for choosing optimal LMS/LCMS and discuss which of those
are really important in the context of their institution or firm. This
list could be interested in all three previously mentioned cases, probably
most creatively as a guideline / checklist when developing a home-grown
Different technical, pedagogical, emotional and even ego-related
issues will be discussed, including the Teaching Perspective Inventory
(TPI) by professor Daniel D. Pratt. Some of the time will be devoted to
creating a relationship between designer’s or mentor’s TPI outcome and
criteria when choosing optimal LMS/LCMS for a certain course.
Kristijan Zimmer, B.Sc., is head of information
services unit at the Faculty of electrical engineering and computing (FER),
University of Zagreb, where he leads a team of employees and students
building a dynamic, community-oriented academic web portal. He is president
of HrOpen – Croatian Society for Open Systems and Internet and vice-president
of HIZ/CITS - Croatian Information Technology Society.
He is currently involved in several e-learning projects,
such as implementation of FER's e-learning infrastructure, CARNet's E-learning
academy (ELA) and Reference center for evaluation of courseware.
In recent years he has taught workshops and seminars on
web applications and design, content management system, e-learning, PHP
and Java programming languages, process visualization, VoIP, mobile commerce,
Internet2, Next Generation Internet and streaming multimedia.
He is a program committee member of several annual IT conferences including
Croatian open systems days (DORS), Information systems methods and tools
(CASE) and Communication technologies and standards in informatics (KOM).
His hobbies include billiard, badminton and go-kart.