How to organise a virtual community

abstract | author | presentation

Kristijan Zimmer
Kristijan Zimmer, B.Sc. E.E., is an Internet services architect at the Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computing, University of Zagreb, where he leads a team of students building a dynamic, community-oriented
academic Web portal. He is currently a president of the HrOpen - Croatian Open Systems Users Forum, Croatian largest Open systems and Internet association, and the EC member of the HULK - Croatian Linux UsersGroup.

In recent years he has taught workshops and seminars on Web applications and design, PHP and Java programming languages, process visualization, VoIP, mobile commerce (WML, WMLScript), Internet2, Next Generation Internet and streaming multimedia.

He is a program committee member of several annual IT events including Croatian Open Systems Days (DORS), Information Systems Methods and Tools (CASE), Communication Technologies and Standards in Informatics (KOM) and International System Administration and Networking Conference (SANE, Maastricht, NL).

His hobbies include cycling, billiard, badminton, go-kart and tennis.

Dobrica Pavlinusic
Dobrica Pavlinusic, self-proclaimed Unix addict and Internet consultant graduated at The University of Zagreb Faculty of Organization and Informatics Varazdin from where he received B.Sc. in Information Science.

His fields of interest include Internet technologies, Unix, Open Source movement, Free software and Linux.

He is vice president of HULK - Croatian Linux User Group and member of executive committee of HrOpen - Croatian Open Systems Users Forum. Currently he is working for the biggest pharmaceutical company in this part of Europe on system administration of Unix servers and implementation of Internet technologies based on Open Source in this environment.

Vlatko Kosturjak
I came to the world in 1979 and currently study at the Faculty of organization and informatics (FOI). I also work for Ms-Quadrat d.o.o. as a software engineer. My main field of work is developing and deploying
open source solutions. I have been awarded the "Special Mention of The Jury award" on the CUC 2000 Web Festival for, and during my study at FOI have won several faculty awards for my software works.

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