Successful use of Intranets

abstract | author | presentation

The hype about "Internet" is immediately followed by terms "Intranet" and "Extranet" becoming the most used buzzwords. However, what do they actually stand for is much less clear.

The Tutorial will give some explanations about what an intranet might consist of, provide to users and demand from creators and maintainers, rather than give formal definition of the term "intranet".

Tutorial is intended for those who still consider whether intranet might be solution for some of their business needs as well as for those who already started to develop an intranet, but are facing a range of questions and decisions to make.

Tutorial is NOT a technical one and is NOT aimed at programmers, system & network administrators and technical people. Rather, it is intended for decision makers, managers and "process" people dealing with information and its flow.

Some of the questions tutorial will address are:
- who is the owner of an intranet
- is intranet a centralized or distributed solution
- turnkey intranet solutions vs. evolutionary (self)development
- which are the (best) tools for building an intranet
- what is the importance of visual design
- can anyone use intranet
- which support services are required
- how secure is an intranet
- how expensive an intranet might became
- what is an extranet

Tutorial will be based on demonstrations, examples and live discussions among participants with as little ex-cathedra lecturing as possible.

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