Funny book of constellations

abstract | author | presentation

Sinisa Rezek

Personal information
Name and surname: Sinisa Rezek
Date of birth: 2nd Feb. 1978
Address: Vladimira Ruzdjaka 9c/7, HR-10000, Zagreb, Croatia
Telephone: ++385 1 615 22 85
GSM: ++385 91 518 24 42
E-mail: srezek@public.srce.hr
Website: http://pubwww.srce.hr/~srezek
Marital status: Single
Citizenship: Croatian
Native thongue: Croatian
Elementary school: Jure Kastelana, Zagreb, Croatia (1984-1992)
Highschool: I Tehnical School, department of electronic, Zagreb, Croatia (1992-1996)
University: University of Zagreb, Faculty of Science, Department of Mathematics (1996-)
Current status: Undergraduate student of mathematics and physics
Fluent in English, both in oral and written form. Learnt English for 11 years
Limited knowledge of French. Learnt French for 4 years
3rd place in youth city chess contest in 1995.
8th place in youth national chess contest in 1997.
1st team place in university chess contests in 1997, 1998, as a member of a Faculty of Science 5-member team
3rd team place in university chess contests in 2000, as a member of a Faculty of Science 5-member team
In January 2001 become a chess instructor of Croatian Olimpic Comette - Education Center
In November 2000 elected to a two-year term as the student body representative in the faculty council at Faculty of Science
also at Faculty of Mathematics, and elected to a vice-president of student body representative at Faculty of Mathematics
Member of board of editors of Croatian Chess Federation (2001-?)
Founder and expeld coordinator (1993 -1996) of Web site of Croatian Chess Federation.
Attended Zagreb School of Chess from 1990 to 1996 as a student, 2001 and subsequent years as an instructor
Worked on the "Milenium chess contest of students at Zagrebs university" project (2001)
Currently working on Astrometric measurements of NEO/PHA objects at Visnjan Observatory
Currently working on "Zvjezdana knjiga", a book of constellations.
Currently working on Croatian Chess Almanach, also on student project.
Jurjevski turnament of youth, http://jagor.srce.hr/~srezek

Jelena Pesa

Personal information
Name and surname: Jelena Pesa
Date of birth: 31th May 1978
Address: Krlezina 5, HR-10430, Samobor, Croatia
Telephone: ++385 1 336 56 78
GSM : ++385 98 168 06 75
E-mail: jpesa@diamond.phy.hr
Marital status: Single
Citizenship: Croatian
Native thongue: Croatian
Elementary school: Janko Misic, Samobor, Croatia (1984-1992)
Highschool: Gimnazija Antun Gustav Matos, Samobor, Croatia (1992-1996)
University: University of Zagreb, Faculty of Science, Department of Physics (1997-)
Current status: Undergraduate student of physics
Fluent in English, both in oral and written form. Learnt English for 11 years
Participate at county contests in chemistry in 1993, as a member of a highschool team.
Currently working on Astrometric measurements of NEO/PHA objects at Visnjan Observatory
Currently working on "Zvjezdana knjiga", a book of constellations.

Ivana Jurkovic

Personal information

Name and surname: Ivana Jurkovic
Date of birth: 13th Jan. 1979
Address: Peruanska 12, HR-10000, Zagreb, Croatia
Telephone: ++385 1 345 24 59
E-mail: ivanaj@diamond.phy.hr
Marital status: Single
Citizenship: Croatian
Native thongue: Croatian
Elementary school: Stenjevec, Zagreb, Croatia (1985-1993)
Highschool: Gimnazija "Lucijan Vranjanin", Zagreb, Croatia (1993-1997)
University: University of Zagreb, Faculty of Science, Department of Physics (1997-)
Current status: Undergraduate student of physics
Fluent in English, both in oral and written form. Learnt English for 11 years
Participate at county contests in chemistry in 1992, as a member of a elementary school team.
In November 1998 elected to a two-year term as the student body representative in the faculty council at Faculty of Science.
Currently working on Astrometric measurements of NEO/PHA objects at Visnjan Observatory
Currently working on "Zvjezdana knjiga", a book of constellations.

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