Importance of Legal Websites in Informing on Legal Solution and Law Possibilities

abstract | author | presentation | paper

The globalization and regionalization trend in Europe has resulted in the need of globalization and uniformed Law. However, it has become appearant that the practice of the Court has to be transparent and as such the court decisions and opinions should be available.

At the same time, the inreasing Internet traffic rezulted that Websites become the fastest, the cheepest and the most accesible way to get information regarding different legal problems, solutions to solving those problems and legal possibilities of different countries. Problems of Property Law, Trade Law, Familly Law become transparent through the Internet and national border does not exist any more.
The existing Web sites are public and accesible source of Law with legal solutions, legal advice and advertised legal procedures, enabling to the interested site visitors a comparision between domestic legislation and the legal solutions in other countries.

The esey ecompassess analysis of the possibilities of different Websites and the accompanying links. Levels of observations are related to instructing on legal solutions, informing on legal possibilities as well as on the manner of obtaining specific legal advice.

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