EU-INFO on the Internet for users from agricultural and rural sector

abstract | author | presentation

Maybe currently the hottest and most demanding challenge for countries in Central Eastern Europe is the topic of accession to the European Union. Given the fact that the agricultural sector plays a significant role in the national economies of this region we may assume that the successful realisation of agricultural integration will be a key factor in the overall process. Besides institutional harmonisation we find that the effective dissemination of EU related information to agricultural entrepreneurs, farmers, consultants and other rural entities is an inevitable task. Many of our information offices can only provide general reference publications and limited advisory services to those interested while there are no specific and widely available information resources at all for those working in the agriculture and rural economy. This is even more the situation for internet content. To solve this problem, GAK (Agribusiness Centre of St. Stephen University) by the request of the Ministry of Agriculture and Regional Development has started up a pilot internet/teletext project in favour of developing a tailor made EU Information Service. As of today we present online almost all area-specific legislation materials, the electronic version of the Official Journal with related regulations, news services from EU and domestic resources. All information is daily updated and each piece of textual data is translated to the Hungarian language. Our system will be presented during CUC 2001.

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