Public Reference Room Web Service

abstract | author | presentation

About the Croatian Securities Commission, its role on capital market and the purpose of the Public Reference Room (JIK - Javna informacijska knjiznica).

Legal background and a short history of Quarterly Financial Reports (TFI - Tromjesecna financijska izvjesca) - from paper forms to Web application (http://www.crosec.hr/JIK/).

Introduction of XML format for transfer and display of data about joint-stock companies form the Public Reference Room using http protocol. Application of that technology on other Web sites (Vjesnik), transformation and formatting of XML files in Web browser (XSL and CSS).

MS-Office XP new feature: Smart Tag. Its architecture and usage. How to build your own Smart Tag?
JIK Smart Tag: features and implementation. Integration of JIK Smart Tags on Web sites and in MS-Office documents - transparent data access.

Smart Tag in other business tasks - information two clicks away.
The future of JIK Web service: .net or .not?

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