The Croatian Association of Tetraplegics and Paraplegics (HUPT) Web Site

abstract | author | presentation

Manda Knezevic
Born in 1952 in Gundinci, East Slavonija. Elementary school finished in Slovenia and grammar school in Zagreb.
Active in disabled persons associations from 1977. She took part in almost all programs, which are important for people with disabilities in Croatia. Also she is one of originators of independent living movement - especially of peer counseling. All of her life she is devoted to learn and work with and for people with disabilities.

Janko Ehrlich Zdvorák
Born in Zagreb, November 2, 1964.
Graduated at the School of Applied Arts, Department of Painting, Zagreb. B.A. in Art History and Polish Language at University of Zagreb, Faculty of Philosophy, Zagreb with graduation paper Problems of Statical Sanation of the Cultural Heritage.
Works as translator and Web pages designer.

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