"White Stork in Europe": Experience from online workspace

abstract | author | presentation | paper

A short paper describes experience from remote collaboration of three secondary schools from three Europian countries participating in Europe At School 2001 competition. Teams from Spain, Romania and Croatia, were joined for 6 months into Project Group to learn more, explore and publish conclusions about Ecology theme "White Stork in Europe". One of the main requests in this competition is to cooperate, communicate and publish online, e.g. via Internet. Joining of school teams together and remote collaboration were realized in virtual classroom named "White Stork Online Archive" located at Internet server of School "M.A.Reljkovic", Slavonski Brod. Online workspace platform, developed by SB OnLine Web Team, help us in communication and learning about theme, building online database with reference papers, documents, links, multimedia clips and easy publishing of student's works. One important acheivement in our project was publishing articles in EkoMAR e-zine on weekly and daily basis using automated e-zine Composer tools located at server. Authors of zine articles were students of virtual classroom spread in three countries and their Team Leaders were Editors.

Our conclusions about online workspace usage are:
- easy communication and relaxed time schedule
- student can participate in learning resources creation
- automated system limits personal creativity but enables focusing to content and task

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