ETFKviz - An Internet Relayed Chat Based Educative Quiz

abstract | author | presentation

We have tried to make an educative quiz to make people interested in this kind of an educative game and to make some competitive relationships. Our quiz is called "ETFKviz" because it is running on the computer at Faculty of Electrical Engineering in Osijek. The quiz is script written for IRC (Internet Relayed Chat Protocol).
ETFKviz quiz is a competitive kind of game. The script program asks questions which are stored in the text file. All players receive a question in approximately same time and it is the same question for everyone. A player that first types the correct answer to the question receives one point. In case when nobody knows correct answer, the program will offer some sort of help (hint) by showing the first few letters of the correct answer. If nobody types the correct answer after the third hint, the program will inform all players to prepare for the next question.
Questions are saved in the text file, so the administrator can easily add new questions or change errors in old questions and they come from different areas. In this case it is convenient to present questions related to computer science (software, hardware, internet, etc.)

This quiz can be used for educative purposes. This is easily made by arranging questions from different areas of education. For example, we can arrange questions from geography - the script program can show the name of the country and players have to guess capital.

For any further information please contact quiz authors.

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