Developing an online workspace platform for asyncroneous collaboration

abstract | author | presentation | paper

The WWW has enormous potential, but for realization of effective collaboration solutions certain future innovation of WWW are needed. Implementation of additional software to WWW server is one possible way to extend its existing capabilities. This paper describes experimental work that used standard Web server, HTTP protocol, HTML and CGI modules to develop a simple platform for asynchronous online collaboration. Easy to reconfigure, modular platform simply named "Workspace" enables communication, document exchange and online tools sharing among of group of users, all inside virtual rooms of shared services. Content of a particular room, displayed to user, depends on access scheme defined on service basis. Set of standard rooms (communication, resources, tools and administration room) can be reconfigured, new rooms and services can be added and user rights changed by editing access and deny lists inside each room. Services are modules for specific tasks as administration, shared resource management, internal communication, publishing tools or just information displays. WS was tested at portals SB OnLine, Pozega-online, Osijek-online and several other Web projects. Experience gained by WS usage shows that even simple software solutions can be used before future WWW innovation.


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