Classroom, laboratory and WWW integration in teaching Telecommunication Fundamentals -
initial experiences, plans and vision

abstract | author | presentation | paper

Classroom, laboratory and WWW integration in teaching Telecommunication Fundamentals -initial experiences, plans and vision

Dr. sci. Predrag Valozic
Polytechnic of Zagreb

Certain initial, practical experience in classroom, lab and WWW integration and a teacher - student collaboration will be presented.
Computer based teaching created a new quality: numerical models, dynamic simulation and animation, but teachers encountered a problem - development of lecture materials became difficult and time consuming. Suitable literature lack, lab exercises seamless integration with other teaching components and simulation supported higher math numerical models, are important for redundancy reduction in the financially, time and space limited teaching environment. Web, as a global resource of different teaching materials is a "life boat" full of already prepared, general purpose Java simulation examples. In a particular application, necessary modifications and adaptations could be the project of a student interest, and a subject of teacher - student and student - student collaboration.

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